Because I just did not have enough hobbies as it is, I decided to also be involved in the community called TinierMe. What was my avatar (or Selfy as they call them) going to be about? Yoite of course (duh...). The community has its goods and bads, now that I had time experimenting here and there. The good part is that they sell "cosplay clothing" such as Black Butler, Durarara!, Hetalia, and other popular animes on the site. The bad part is that there is a limitation on what you can put on your avatar.
You can have a great time roleplaying with other people in the community, but I am such a n00b that I hardly have anything on my avatar yet. Their trading system (so unlike Gaia Online where they have a marketplace), makes it even harder on getting what you want. Basically, you have to spend real money if you want any of their real cool stuff...
Anyhow, I have had a lot of fun getting crazy with other Selfies in the community. Here are just some cracks of what has happened in the crazy world of TinierMe.

SEBASTIAN OVERLOAD! *drools and faints*
Oh yeah, and the room was also major overload of those Gloomy Bears (wtf?). If anybody of you are wondering who am I, I'm the one with Sebastian's hair and brown eyes (yup, that's a me!). Miharu is the Selfy to my right (or your left side XD). Miharu and Yoite were hyper that day, and having fun cross-dressing... Heh...

Miharu and Yoite seem to be having a family, isn't that adorable? (how the heck did that happen?!?!) The two on the left are their children, whose names are still undecided XD
May be possibly never, but is still nice to dream...
As more crazy stuff happen, I might be posting more and more here (just for the heck of entertaining myself...). If possible, I might even do a comic with the pictures XD
Have a great day everybody!
Ja ne