Now that I have spent more time at TinierMe as Yoite, I have gathered a small group of friends who just turned out to be as crazy as I am...
One good thing of TinieMe is the many things you can actually do RolePlaying as your favorite characters. You wouldn't believe the many Ciels and Sebastians there are in that small world... And the many, many plots that they create too...
With all this in mind, I had the great idea of re-doing some of my comic strips drafts! Miharu was very willing, and my new sister of TM (who you will see in the comic) agreed to the idea of making the comic...
So as I have said before. TM world allows you plenty of space to create as many different plots as you want to... But of course there are always repercussions... The space where the plots take place might not be as private as you wish they were...
For example...

Now this is an idea I have had for a year or so... Never had the energy (okay, okay. So I am lazy, sue me...) to do it, but now that TM has made half to the work for me (creating the images and so), I decided to try to it once and for all. I gathered Miharu and my sister, and together we created this new comic strip...
I hope you all enjoy it reading, as much as we enjoyed doing it!

And just so you know... Everything my sister is pointing out in the comic, is something Miharu and Yoite do in the manga/anime. So this is my idea of how telling Yoite that what he/she does with Miharu is called D-A-I-T-I-N-G <3
There might be more to come! Sis is very insisting on making more comics, so I bet there will be more posted on this blog soon enough...
Sorry I didn't really post anything of significance for a while... But I got really sick and my grandfather passed away a couple of weeks ago. It was a very difficult time for me and my family...
See you all soon!
Ja ne