Unfortunately there are not a lot of fanfics to be recommended. Yes, there are some out there that are worth reading, but I wanted to show here ones that are like five stars recommendation readings. Ones that seem to touch your soul, and really capture the essence of the characters of the series. Now, I won't put a lot of the ones found in FF.net because one can just go there, click on NnO and read them. This ones are found in livejournals and the like, where they are not so easily seen.
Oh, and the best part is that they are COMPLETED! So there won't be any cliffhangers of the sort here... Aaaaand one more thing. Most of this fanfics are rated M. You have been warned! Read under your own discretion, and/or read those that go according to your age (soooo, not gonna go there...).
Without further ado, here is the list!
100 Moments by demonichate
Aaah, so after reading a similar one for EdWin, I felt like making one for NnO. This is a "story" using the four OTPs of the series and taking 25 words for each of them and making sentences for each word.
Silhouettes by writing_lovely
Summary: Miharu can't say he's ever had a dream like this before. Well, maybe he has, but he thinks that he'd have to remember this person in question to dream about them and...he doesn't. (Miharu/Yoite, vaguely post-Chapter 50) [Complete]
Girls in White Dresses by venusian_eye
Notes: I... uh... I couldn't find any smutfic with Yoite in a dress, so... I wrote some.
Wheat Field with Crows by venusian_eye
Notes: Alternate universe, depressing, one-shot. Miharu/Yoite.
What Will (Never) Be by demonichate
So here is the epic
Worth Living For by belina
Summary: Miharu has something up his sleeve to maybe change Yoite's mind about erasing his existence.
Remembrance of the Night by Kalana Fox
That person haunts him even in his dreams. Everything is so confusing to him, but the cat that reminds him of that person is a welcome companion in his sea of confusion. One-Shot, slightly implied Yoiharu. T just in case, but has no swearing. Enjoy!
There was Warmth by ca_te
Notes: I wrote this for the
Synthesis by Lin
Summary: Miharu won't let this go, because this is crucial for both of them.
Fragile by Moonshine 469
It was an exchange that didn't require any words spoken aloud. YoitexMiharu drabble.
Nameless Bond by DreamingSilverfox
Yoite, broken, failing, yet a creature given as a blessing. Ever apathetic Miharu was never one to speak his mind. However, when it finally becomes too much to hold back his feelings, will the bond be broken? -Reloaded-
xDDDD I've read these ewe
Epic picks! XDDD
Aren't they? I just love reading them over and over... XD
AHHHHHH! x////~////x
Wh-Why did I have to read "Girls In White Dresses"?! I-I was going in order. *slams head against wall* Must. DIIIEE! Ahhhh! *continues hitting head* *massive nosebleed* I-I-;; *SOB/BLUSH/HICCUP/NOSEBLEED* x/////x
LOL Sis, didn't you see the word SMUT in the description? What else did you suppose it was going to have!?!?! XD
@Zeki: Remember, you were warned XDDD
@Yoite: Exactly!!!! XD
I guess it was too much of a temptation a fanfic where Yoite is put on a dress >w>
@Yoite: N-No! I didn't see the word SMUT in the description! ;//~//;
I just knew that the title had "dresses" in it and it's related to NnO..soso I just had to read it!
x///^///x...I didn't take my time to read the description! ://~
@Miharu: *SOB* x//A//x.!
Well my description did say, some of this fics are rated M as in MATURE.
And just a little bellow the title it says smutfic >w>
Really sis, I couldn't have been more clear XD
I know I know. ; ~ ;
B-But I didn't think that "Girls in White Dresses" would have SMUT! @//A//@....
I didn't see that either! >//n//<
*nods* It's my fault. *continues slamming head* x///;;///x
>w>The story also gave plenty of warning where it was headed. You just couldn't stop the temptation of seeing Yoite in a dress XDDD
.//~//. ...
Yesh! Yoite in a dress~~~ *//~//*!
*continues slamming head* AHHH! I-I cann't get images out of myy mind! ;///;
Pffffft poor sis >w>
>w> You got what you wanted though. Yoite in a dress and smut
Myyy brain is meltingg!!! AHHH! *slams head* Owowowowww! MUST DIE. Heeee Yoiteee and Miharu doing itt-;;*DIES. IS DEAD. DEEEAD NAO* x////x
OMG SIS >_> Did you really had to say that? XDDDD
LOL I wonder if this is your reaction every time you read yaoi <w<
;//A//; Y-Yes I had to! *SOBS*
MYY BRAIINN! UUGHHH-;;/slams head/ W-WHY can't I DIIEE?! e//A//e
;//A//; Y-Yes I had to! *SOBS*
MYY BRAIINN! UUGHHH-;;/slams head/ W-WHY can't I DIIEE?! e//A//e
Because Miharu wanted you alive *coughs*andsuffer*coughs* ? >w>
<//-//<;;...Uhmm.. .//^//.
*SOBS* I MUST DIIEE! *continues slammung head* WH-Why am I readingg it AAGGAIIN?! *goes to grab knife* @n@
LOL You are reading it again?? XD
Cause you are a perv 83
*SOBS* N-No I'm not! I'll DIE! I WILL! *stabs arm* ....o n o;;;;...Ah-;;OWWWW! *falls over*
*roll eyes* Ah sis, when will you learn... *removes knife and tends to sis wounds* >w>
...x//n//x;;...I-Is that you mommy..? *reaches out* x//^//x...*is unconscious*
*pats head* There there...*to self* Mommy?
Wake up sis >w>
...x//)~(//x;; *mumbles*
>w> WAKE UP! *slaps* *kira'd*
xDD What a nice brother you are! :o
*wakes up* e//~//e..Wh-What happened brother? *looks at arm* .~. Owow..
You stabbed yourself and then proceed to pass out >w> You masochist
O-Oh.. .~.
I am not a masochist! >n<
*sees self inflicted wound* .... Are you sure?
@Yoite: XDDD I think she is
@Zeki: DO NOT DENY IT!!!! 8D *kira'd*
<w< You were of no help though, Miharu... Not with your magical skills of making her immortal
u ~ u...*sob* I-I'm a masochist?! *sobs* ; ^ ; It's not like I wanted to though!.. Th-The fanfic-;; u//~//u
@Miharu: xDDD Darnnit! You and your magical skills. >n< Thee paaainn.
; ^ ; *smacks arm*
@Yoite: Mhm. ; n ;
*ties sis up with ropes* THERE! Now you wont be able to inflict yourself pain >w>
:O! WUT. .~.
*tries to move* ...AHHH! Let. Me. GO! Brother! >n< Must stabb my other armm. @///^///@ *wiggle* I can't movve! >n<
*covers laugh* You look funny sis, wiggling like that PFFFFT XDDDDD
xDDD Sorry Zeki....Yoite I taught you too well o-o
@Miharu: I-It's okaii. .//^//.
@Yoite: o//~//o! *sob* *continues wiggling* Ahh! Let. Me. GO! >//A//<
@Miharu: Well it was you who introduce me to the idea of bondage <w<
@Zeki: No, unless you promise to stop hurting yourself in any shape or form =w=
;//~//;..C-Can I slam my head?! *sobs* I have toooo. @//n//@
NO >w>
o(; o ;)o Waaah! F-Fine! I won't do anything to hurt myself. ; ~ ;
Promise >w>
o(; ~ ;)o...I-I promise. >n<
*pats head* Good sis >w>
*has flashbacks of anime expo* BONDAGE!!! 8D *kira'd* XDDD Fun~!
@Yoite: ; ^ ;..*nods* <3
@Miharu: xDD Wh-Why-;; xD *headdesk* Who got BONDAGED?! o ^ <!!
Fff. Miharu! We were supposed to go capture brother and drive in a car. .~. Remember?! :O xD
@Miharu: LOL I knew it >w> Sadomasochist.... XD
@Zeki: W-whaaat? Since when?!?!?! o_O
@Yoite: I thought I told you already XD *kira'd*
@Zeki: Me and my oz XDDDD Aaaaand....STOP SAYING THESE THINGS OUT LOUD HE'LL CATCH ON!!!! *kira'd*
@Yoite: xDDD Heeeee. *hides*
@Miharu: xDD Ohoh. *o*
xDDD FFF! *highfives and hides under car* .u.
*continues drawing brother in a seashell bra* .//~//. Brother in aaaa seshellBRA~ BROTHER INN AA seashellBRAA~ u o u
Doodoooo *drawdraww* *//~//*
@Miharu: Oh I knew that. But I always knew that you somewhat enjoyed the bondage thing >w>
And WHAT?!
LOL, Did you see what my sister is doing to me?!?!?!
>w> Wouldn't it be better to hide inside the car...? Otherwise you will get run over...
N-Nothing! >//^//<
Oh nuu! ; O ;)o *jumps out of hiding place and goes inside the car* @ n @
>_> You are putting a seashell bra on meeeeeee!!!!
YEP. <//u//< *continues drawing* W-With Merman Miharuu~! *////*
How come he is a merman!!! Wait... We are dancing....?!?
Because Miharu is a MAN! :O xDDD
N-Noo you're not dancing~ Just making kissu faces. *u*
... What do you mean because Miharu is a man! Is not like I need that seashell bra!! >_>
... Kissu faces o.0 ?
Too BAD! I already drew you in it. *///3///*
Yes! Kissy faces! >u< L-Like this! >3<
Oooh brother. Remember thiss? xDD
You already drew it?!?!? SHOW ME NAO!!!
>w> Why are we making kissu faces...?
LOL Yes I do =w= XDDDDD
N-No! ; n ; I still have Miharu to draw left!
... .//u//. Uhmuhm..
xD Yaay! *claps* They look so funny xD I should do one with Yoite, Miharu, and Thobari sensei. xDD
What do you mean you still have Miharu left! How come he is the last one T^T
Because-;; Brother is cuuute in a seasheelll braa. *~*;;
I am not cute! >w>
Yess you arree~! >u< <3
*glomps* *o* *puts kitty ears on you* YAAYY! *U*
Now I am a-a-a mermaid with kitty ears...? x_X
Ooooh *o* This is even BETTER! >//u//< *squeezes* Cuutecuute brother. *o* <3
WTF Zeki?! O_o
.n. ..FU-;; Wh-What did I drink to become like this?! *looks down* .n. LEMON TEA? This is what is does to ME?! O n O;;;;.....! *runs to cabinet and throws the whole box away* HUFFFF. ; A ;
SAVE ME MIHARUUUUU!!*clings* >~>
<_< Who was responsible of giving that tea to my sis?!?! I shall find the culprit!
; ~ ;...*hugs pillow* M-Maybe it was sensei..? It's just a guess. >n<
@Zeki: Probably XD
*nods* Mhm. :3
*huggles* Well you two shall excuse me while we become a little sensei less....*flies off to kill sensei*
Eeek. ; o ; U-Uhmm okaii brother.
*sits down and waits* .n.
*flies back in* Done! ^w^
*stands back
up* Wh-What did you do to sensei brother? >o<;;
.w. Let just say that he said goodbye to a lot of body parts...
o~<;;..O-Ohh. .~. *shivers*
>w> And you, don't drink that tea ever again...
*nods* Okay brother. ; ~ ;
B-But, it was yummyy..>//n/<
But if causes you to have illusions like that drawing you did, I rather you cease to drink whatever that was >w>
*nods* That makes sense. ; n ;
O-Okaii brother, I won't drink it anymore. :'o
Sorryy, I-I was just so bored. *SOB* ; ^ ;
(^^^^ THAT ONE...OMG xDDD)
I love Potter crack. Just like a fic where it says that it was Harry who created the "twilight" vampires. So funny....
Yaay. >u< G-Glad you like it brotherr! -;;*SOB* ; o ; It's raining and there's thunder here-;;*JOLT* WAAHHH! *SOBSCLINGS* ; A ;..;;
Ah poor sis *pats head* There, there. There is nothing to be afraid of 83
You have more chances of jumping out of an airplane than you do of getting hit by lightening 8D
; ~ ;..Mhm..:'o
Th-That's true brother! o(; ^ ;)o <3
*Nod* ;u;
I am so lost now o-o
You can't be lost if you don't know where you are going 8D
... Dang, I need to put down the game of Alice now ._. I am talking like the cat >w>
xDDD Thanks Yoite
Dunno what I did, but you are welcome! 8D
And just for the record, I am completely lost too ^w^
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