his friday the anime group that I am part of had a reunion called "Cosplay Friday." Knowing that it was about cosplay, of course I went that day yay! I arrived a little late (my bad), but I had lots of fun. We got (more like Ashke) to eat, watch an episode of... Well... Can't remember the name *shrugs,* and discuss about how to set up cosplay and stuff.
Unfortunately like 6 people out of the 15 actually dressed up for the event, but who cares? I got to put on my costume! =D
I was starting to miss dressing up as Yoite XD
After we left, I took the opportunity of taking some pictures to share with you all! I don't think I have shown the whole set up now almost finished. The only thing I am missing now is the scarf (soon though!) and the contact lenses. Christmas is coming though! And I know exactly what to ask for...

Okay, so here is an view of the whole thing. Look at me! I'm all embarrassed XD
God, I hope this doesn't end up in Google too...

Here are close up photos. Had to stop taking photos with Ashke. I just couldn't take his jokes anymore XD
As you can see, my hair is getting too long now! I will have to wait for the next anime convention thingy to be able to cut my hair Yoite short.

Here is showing the KIRA!!! A peek of how Yoite looked at his last moments in the manga. I supposed that this is also how Yoite looked in the anime too in episode 26. There aren't any shots to prove it though.

And finally the hands! Must admit that they looked kinda creepy. I totally understand why Yoite freaked out with the black thingy in his/her hands. Took forever to put on! Messed up my clothes, and it takes so little time to take off. Talking about unfair.
Well that's it! Hope you liked the pictures! *blushes*
See you all soon! Ja ne!
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