I am baaaaaaaaack with more craziness (on my part) from the manga Nabari no Ou! I am really just taking a breather here, because I am so darn tired of making so many calls about jobs. Come on! I'll even sweep the floors! Just hired me goddangit.
Back to the main topic... They are not as funny as the other ones (in my perspective at least), but they do hold a certain humor... Somewhat... Maybe?

This picture is, for me, the epic example of a Paranoid Schizophrenic: Are you staring at us?
You know? Miharu and the Shinra Banshou... Together in the same body... Blegh, I hate explaining jokes -_-
Here is a word of advice Miharu. It IS as bad as you think, and they ARE out to get you.

This is one of the most touching moments between them (give me all an Awww...). I just couldn't resist adding a "gotcha!" XD
And look! look! Yoite is even blushing! Awwwww.....

Er... Can't explain it really? I just think that by now Miharu has nothing in his mind that is not Yoite. It has become his mantra now "Yoite, Yoite, Yoite..." So it was fun to add it in this comic strip. The other one, I just couldn't help myself! XP
Come on! It's the perfect spot!

Riddle me this people. See how at the beginning Yoite and Miharu turn to each other? On the next strip they get closer (you can see how the are leaning towards each other). Then, on the next strip, they are face to face. Here is the question... What were they going to do?
You all know too well what.
Then... No! How dare Hanabusa interrupts their special moment?! OMG! WHY!!!!! We would have had two kisses instead of one in the whole manga T^T
This might be the only moment where I hate Hanabusa-san... The Witch...
Well, that is all for today! Hope you had fun reading this! (I know I did XD). I hope to see you all soon.
Ja ne!
Ahh,,I really wish they did kiss. xDD *//A//*...
Erm... Sis? You are going to stalk me now on my blog? XDDDD
. . . <_<;; /Dosen't say a word
I just love the hairstyle on Yoite. xD So different. :3
Wholy crap, don't tell me you are going to stalk me here too >____>
LOL ikr? XD I sooo want to have that hairstyle one day =w=
U-Uhmmm...N-No I'm not... >//n//>;;
Yesh. xD *A* Good luck brother. xDD
*U* b /Is straightning hair right now and thinking about comic
>____________> *stares hard*
LOL Just don't burn your head... And hair XD
*Struggles keeping a straight face* >//~//> . . .
xDDD Y-Yeah..I should be careful. >U<;; So far, no skin and hair BURNT.
*pokes sis with stick, still staring hard* >w>
Good luck! XD *gets camera ready for when the burn happens*
Ow! :'o *Looks at brother and blushes more* <3
NUUU!!! :OO *Listens to Crawl*
*pats head* Ah sis.... =w=
Ow! :'o *Looks at brother and blushes more* <3
NUUU!!! DON'T PICTURE MEE! :OO *Listens to Crawl*
Nothing burned yet? 83
I-I burnt my fingerr~!!! ; n ;
*Sniffles* WAAAAAHH! D'x
Ah sis *shakes head*
Here *puts ice pack on finger and rubs it tenderly*
; ~ ; *Flinches* O-Ow-;; It hurts brother! ; n ;..
Come on, sis. You are a big girl, and this is good for you *keeps rubbing finger with ice pack*
; o ; Th-That's true..:'o
>n<;; Ow-;;
There, see? It's looking better =w=
; ~ ; *Looks at finger*
O-Oh it does~. c:
Thank you brother~! :D <3
*Jumps on you* xD
*is jumped on* Ack!
Ow... x_X
*Huggles* S-Sorry brother! >u<;;
You just treated me nice! :D <33
*Squeezes* >u< c':
*being squeezed* Can't.... Breathe...!
A-Ah~! :o
*Lets go quickly*
So sorry brother! Forgive me~! ; m ;
*gasping for breath* .... Phew! I thought I was done for good this time x_X
>n<;; I'm sorry! :'c
W-Well brother you lived. ; ~ ;
*Gives cake and lemonade* Soorryy!
*staring at cake* Cake...? @.@
*hugs sis* Can I haz....? @.@
*Hugs back* :'o
Y-Yes~. :3
For you!
*huggles tight* Yaaaay!
*starts eating cake* ^w^
>u< <33 Mhm~
I hope you like it~! :D ^u^
It was delicious 83
Yaay~! >u< <33
Would you like to come to my room on TinierMe? xD
Mommy is there xDD
Pffft Sure =w= I'll be right there
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