So, I am back from the convention!!! I did not stay as long as I wished, because my family kind of put me a set-time to be back. We have to drive tomorrow for 8 years just for the wedding... What I got from all this though is a new Sebastian doll! (what is up with me and dolls all of a sudden? XD) Is the one where he is wearing the pink ox outfit. It was much later that I found out that they also sold body pillows of Sebastian, but (had I gotten that) it would have risen a lot of questions that I did not felt comfortable answering.
But it was a lot of fun! I got a lot of compliments for my outfit. I decided to go as Victorian Yoite/Sebastian for this con. Although, I very much missed being dressed up as Yoite. There were few people who "guessed" who I was, but for the most part, they liked what I was wearing. There was even a person who "guessed" I was Sebastian, and this is pretty much how the conversation went:
Person: Oh my gosh, you are Sebastian, right?!
Me: Yes.
Person: That is an amazing outfit, I love it!
Me: Thank you.
Person: Just you wait until I put you in the grill.
Me: ....
Person: But really, that is an amazing outfit.
Me: .... Thank you.
Yeah, very WTF moment right there. Later on, she found me sitting, waiting for a panel to start, and hugged me real tight for a while and WOULD NOT LET GO! That is... Until a Ciel, Grell, and Sebastian came in. Then she just screamed, squealed, and run to them to do gods know what.
Here are some pictures! There are not as many as I wished, and the lighting sucks. It always does, but that is what happens when you are inside a building with so little lighting. I also hate the moments when the camera decides to not work, and looks all smudgy and ugly. Too bad there is nothing I can do about that (unless I set the camera on fire, and ask for a new camera 8D).
I hope you like them!

Ciel of Wonderland. Here is Grell, Sebastian and Ciel (pretty much the set I mentioned with the crazy girl from before XD). Ciel doesn't look so happy, but when does he? There was another Grell from Wonderland, but I never got the chance of catching that person and ask for picture. That cosplay was also very, very good.

You have NO IDEA of how many Ciels in that pink dress I found in this convention. Not to mention the many, many Ciels that there were too in other clothes. Ciel seems to be very well liked character. But then, there was a panel of Black Butler that day. It could have been something related to that.
I also wondered how I could have been confused with Ciel. I do know I got clothes he could have used, but I did not use either his wig or his eyepatch. I still don't get it!

I just love cosplayers blending in with normal people, and the normal people having this WTF expressions on their faces.

This Wolfram was so happy when I recognized her cosplay. Like it was not obvious, but then I do have to wonder why she got that happy... Oh Yuri, you so manly with your purse.
And, as always, Italy just going along for the ride! XD

This is kind of a funny story. She came along asking me if I was Sebastian. I said yes, and she said that she was the "female demon version of Sebastian, demanded by Ciel his master." I pretty much just answered, "... Okay."
And just for that, I decided to take a picture of the two of us. But Oh My God, MY FACE! How come is like a huge oval white shape on that picture?!

Again, a shot of cosplayers among commoners. So awesome.

There was a photo-shot session of Sailor Moon at that moment. But, I didn't feel like going all the way down. It was just reminiscence of one of my first animes.

Vocaloid, I guess? XD

This is the opening ceremony which I did not attend. I kind of... Forgot... But I was there are the very end, and managed to take a picture of all the important guests of the convention.

This is the beginning of the Black Butler panel. I took a video of it, because it was more of a commentary of the first episode. I will be posting it as soon as I upload it in YouTube. Or more like, as soon as a friend posts it on YouTube XD

I saw this game last year, and I thought it was a lot of fun. It's called "Press Your Luck," as the photo says. Kind of a game show about anime and manga. Maybe next year I will try to participate, because you get really amazing prizes in this game. Prizes such as three months free of Anime Network, BB series, keychains, mangas, bla bla bla. So yeah, something worth the shot of risking TOTAL EMBARRASMENT! XD
And that is it! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Now, my next one will be in October! I will be going to a con where Tom Felton is making a guests appearance, can you believe it? I am totally going for his autograph... And picture... And handshake...
Hope you all have a great weekend. Stay posted for the video!!!
Ja ne
1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»Waah brotherr! Your cosplay is EPIC. *A*..I'm glad you had fun! :DD <3
And LOL. I'm glad she didn't hug you to death. ._. xD b
An yeah, it looks like there were a lot of those WTF moments. >o<;;
Glad you fun though! xD <33
I am glad you liked my cosplay ^^
And yes, I had a lot of fun at the convention XD
The WTF moments are what make them worth it =w=)b
Mhm mhm~! >u< <3
That's good to hear~! xD
xDDD *Nod nod* They probably make it worth a lot. >^<;;
Don't worry sis! One day you will get to go to a con =w=
And I bet you will have a lot of fun 83
Mhm, yesh! >u<
Hopefully~ c: :3
Welcome baaack! 8DDD
Your cosplay was epic!! :D And be glad those WTF weren't as bad as mine! XD I was tied up!!! </3
But I'm glad you had fun! :D YAAAAAAY!!! KKM 8D
AHH W-Welcome back brother! My bad.
; ^ ;~ *Sob*
*Huggles Zenii* I missed youuu! Dx
*CLINGS* <333
@Nabari-Miharu: Thank you! Maybe soon I will take pictures of how my original Ciel cosplay was going to look with that coat XD
And tru dat =w=
@Zeki: Don't worry about it sis XD
I didn't even know I was gone 8D
xD O-Okaii~ c;
B-But...all the data is gone...; ^ ;
Must start allll over. ._.
Yaaaaay! and Awwwww.... XD
xDD Yep. Woohoo, and boohoo. >n<;;
Now you only need to get LBP2 XDDDD
Cause is awesomeeeeee *w*
xDD DARN. I'll try to get it! I played the demo, and it was awesome. *A*..So, I'll get the full game soon...maybe...xDDD
Yeshhhhh! =w=+
xDD *Nod nod* =u=;;
*Kicks stupid empty money jar*/Slapped/ ; ^ ;
*completely broke too* =w=
xDD *Highfives* ; ^ ;
8D *highfives*
>u< Yesh! xD
Broke..Power? :DD
xDD What? It's true! xDDD >O<;;;
Yeah, I know. I need to save some for the next con. Don't want to resort to a "Miharu face" to get what I want again XDDD
xDDD Yeah, but it's okay because I use it too sometimes. ._.;;;; xD
And good luck on saving. :D
You do? XDDDD
It probably looks more innocent when you do it than when I do it XD
xDDD I-I don't know what to say..>O<;;; xDD
I am more amazed that you actually use it 83
xD *Nod nod* >u<;;
It's..useful sometimes..xDD
I'll probably have to use it to get LBP 2! >o<;;
>w> You have been hanging with Miharu too much
xDD I have not! >O<;;;;
> w > Sure...
...< ~ <;; ...
U cannot haz >w>
xDD I won't have your shota okay?! >O<;; Sheesh..>~>;;
Yesh 8D *kira'd*
xDDD *Pat pat* >u<;;
I want to torture you for some reason. MWAHAHA-;; /SLAPPED/ ; ^ ;
*Turns on Friday by Rebecca Black* Ehehehe~ :3 And Olivia says hi~ >u<
Why you want to torture me, you sadist!!! DX NOT THAT SONG, NUUUUUU!
Nyahaha!~ xDDD O-Okaii, enough torture. :3 *Turns it off*
And I'm not a sadist! >n<;; I-I'm just bored like heck! *Sob*.. ; ~ ;
*pats head* There there sis XD
Aren't you in TM though? Oh, say high to Olivia from me 83
; u ;..A-And no, I'm not on TM. ; ^ ;
It's just that it's getting a bit boring sometimes. >n<;;
And I told her. :3
Awww, you are not hanging around with everybody anymore?
N-No! :o I'm on right now. >u<
I go on a lot, just sometimes no. :3
Then how it can get boring? XD I always had so much fun with you guys =w=
xDD Nooo, I meant when they're not on. ; o ; <3
And yesh~! *Cuddles*
Mama and papa are having an argument now. - n - xD *Deals with it*
When aren't they having an argument? *kira'd*
Nothing serious, I suppose? ^^UUU
*huggles* Ish okay sis 83
Oh! It's nothing serious. >u< <3
Just roleplaying~ xD <3
*Huggles back* Mhm~ >u<
I would be shocked if they weren't in an argument =w=
xDD *Nod nod* Mhm~ >u<;
They just have their father and mother crack arguments like usual. xD
They act so much like a married couple =w=
xDD Ahh, I know right? They must have had experience-;;/Slapped/
But this is the way they show they love each other 8D *kira'd*
xDDD *Nod nod* Trruue!
They have an awkward way of showing love. >.<
It's cute =w=
xDD Mhm~! >u< <3
It is cute. >u<;;; But sometimes funny and entertaining. xDD >.<
I sometimes feel like write it down and put it somewhere as a fanfic XDDDD
xDDD Ahh, DO IT! *A* I would so read it~!! xDD *o*
xD And I can help you by telling you what they say during each crack ropleplay! xDD >.<
Pfff Or you can do the writing! XDDDD Even take pictures as visual aids 8D
xDD B-But! I'm not good at writing~ >o<;; I'm sure that your better at it. :3
But, I'll try! >u<
Pfffff I can beta-read it for you 8D
For me to do the actual writing I would have to be there to witness the moment =w=
xD Ohh, okayy~! >u<
So then, what do I exactly write about? :3
Just write what they say in one of their arguments. As simple as that XD
xDD Oh oh, okaii~! *o*
Random subject ._. :
xD Today at the HS, we were doing some activity and a group(Dresses as ninjas xDDD) came in running and dancing to this funny ninja song! :D
xDD :'D It was so funny and I enjoyed it because I kept thinking of Yoite and Miharu dancing to it. xDD :'DD
*Dressed ._. xD Stoopid TYPOS! >n<
I would call that more of a Freudian slip rather than a typo >w> After all sis had said that she wants Miharu and Yoite to be in dresses before...
It shall be called the ninja song!!! 8D *kira'd*
xDD N-Noo! <~<;; xD And that's true..b-but what I meant is true! xD
And yeshhh! Ninjaa song! >u< *o*
I found out it's actually called "Hoodie Ninja". xDDD c':
xDDD Wooh! Yoite and Miharu hoodie ninjas? So drawing that. =//u//=
As long as you show me >w>
Ohhh, I will~ *//~//*
Yeshhhhhhh XD
Ohh yeshh! >u<
I'll put you two saying YOOOO. xDDD
Ninja style BBY! xDDD *o*
Wanna seeeeee!
xDDD It's not done yet!~ xDD :'D
Patiennnccee! >u<
Naaaaaoooooooooo! Must seeeeee!!
I only finished drawing Yoite! xDD
*continues drawing* @ n @
Siiiis! I wanna seeeeeee!!!! XD
NO DARNNIT NOO! xDDD *focuuuuss*
@ n @
*sobs* Pretty please...? With Miharu on top? *pouty face desu desu*
LOOOL That did NOT sound right XD
xDDDDDD!!! Miharu is on TOP naoo?! Noo waaayy. ._. S-SINCE WHEN?! XDD
Oooh brotherrrr....*point point*
< u <;; And I meessed uup! ; ^ ; *rips it apart* I FAAAIL! *tries again*
Nuuu! I wanted to see T^T
xDDD W-Well I'm sorry! ; ^ ; I don't wanna show my FAIL drawingsss. :'o
*sobs* B-b-b-ut... ._.
*huggle* S-Sorry brother! ; ^ ; <3
Okaii! Let me sketch it again and I'll show you! >u<;;
Yaaaaay!!!! ^o^
*nod nod* Once I finish this STOOPID paper thing-a-ma-BOB! :U ; ^ ;
Pffffffffft *nods nods* Yes you doooo! *burst out laughing*
xDD I do WHAT? xDD I forgot or I'm so confused. >n< I don't know @ n @
*pats head* Ish okay sis. Don't worry your pretty head over it =w=
*Nod nod* ; u ; Okaii~ <3
These past few days have suckkeed for meee. ; A ; *SOOBS*
First Day: Stomach kills me
Second Day: Stomach continues to eat me alive(HURTTSS DX)
Third Day: Gets burned on foot
TODAY: Accidently cuts finger with knife. ; ~ ; *SOOBBSS* I-I'm so clumsy..; ^ ; </33
That all happened like in a row. ._.
Each day I get HURT! ; ^ ; *sobs*
I wonder what awaits me tomorrow! DX
*huggles sis* My poor little sister ^^UUUU
You have to be more careful, and I hope you feel better about your stomach 83 *huggles tight*
; ^ ;...I-I know, and thank yoou.
; u ; *huggles back* I'll try not to be clumsy and be careful! ; o ; <3
Good 8D
Must be in the family, because I am extremely clumsy too XD
*Nod nod* >u<
xDD Probably, YESH! *Highfives*
Clumsy POWER go! xD >U<
*highfives* Yeeeesh =w=+
xDD Wooh! >u<
._. I forgot...School starts after tomorrow~ >n< Me ish READY! ; ^ ;
No..not really-;;/SOBS
hahahahah You'll do great sis! Just give it your best 83 *huggles*
Thank you brother! And yesh, I will! Hehee~ xD >.< <3 *huggles back* <3
*highfives* Yeshhhh 8D
*highfives back* Yesh! xD >u<
I can't wait for school myself >w>
*Nod nod* >u< xD
I'm a bit excited~ >u<;;
You will see your friends again, right? That is always something to get excited about =w=
Yesh! xD *Nod nod* >u< <3
I saw them at the school orientation too. c:
So how did it go? 83
Oh oh! >u< Today/First day went well! >u< <3 I just got excited about my Art class. *A* xD
Cool! I love art =w=
Mhm mhm~ *o* Ish awesome~ >u<
I miss my art classes ._.
Awwwe. :'o *pat pat* <3
Isn't there art classes,'d have to pay? xD
Not only that but they are far away from where I live T^T
Awwwe. >o<;; <3 *huggle*
But I still think your art is really good! >u< <3
That is very sweet of you sis ^^UUU
But it has gotten worst since lack of practice >~<
Awwe. >o< <3 Then practice! c:
*salutes* Yes, ma'am! 8D
xD <3 I'm sketching right noww. >o<
I have to practice for art class. ._.
Realistic things are hard to draw!
; ^ ;! B-But I'm trying my best. >o<
hahahaha A thing that always makes it more realistic are the shadows. The more exaggerated, the better 83
Oh I see! Then I'll try to get better at that too! xD Thank youu brother! >u< <3
Yes, I will! And you are welcome 83
*nod nod*! >u< <3 *sketch sketchhh*
@ o @!! *erasess*
hahahahaha *doing the same* XD
xDD *tries drawing the my bird that bit me* >m< Must touch..fluffiness and soft birdiee! ; A ;
Wait wait! I want to be an art teacher...xDDDD OKAII CLASS! *points to brother* YOU!/SLAPPED
*surprised points to self* ... Me? But I haven't done anything yet! @~@
Get up here and draw Miharuu! xDDDD
But I am terrible at drawing Miharu XDDDD
But I am terrible at drawing Miharu XDDDD
Draw it! *points to board* Nooww! xD Or you'll recieve detention! >n<
Whaaaaaaaa? But you already drew Miharu, why do I have to redo it?
Y-You don't have to brotherr! ; A ;
I-I'm just soo bored! @ n @
Awwww *pats head* You are even bored with me? T^T
*nod nod* ; ^ ; W-We have so much in common. xD Drawing together and getting bored together?! Best brother evaaa! xD *o* <333
XDDDDDD *highfives*
Yesh! Finally finished my drawing ^w^
>U< *highfives back* :D
Me too me too! *o* <3
Wanna see? >//u//<
I think it's pretty baad. ; ^ ;
I tried I tried! xD >u<;
Yeah! I wanna see, wanna seeeeeee!! 83
Yaaayy! >u< Okaii okai! <3
They are good sis! 8D
; u ; Sankyou brother! :D
C-Can I see your drawing? c: <3
B-b-b-but.... *looks at drawing* DX
Awwwe..pweeeaasse? ; ^ ;
I bet your drawing is better than mine! :'o
It really sucks >///<
Noonoo! > o < I'm sure it doesn't!
Pweeeasse..? ; ^ ; I'm a fan of your drawinggss. :'o I admire youu! >//~//<! <33
Pffff You shouldn't ^^UUU
I mean, I used to like them before, but now they had just gotten baaaaaad >~<
Noo, I should! ; ^ ; <3
xD Awwe, j-just pllleeassee? ; o ;!
I wannaa seee, wanna seee. >n<
This is how I used to draw.... >w>
*sobs* I miss those times ._.
Wh-Why so amazing and such a beautiful drawingg?! ;///; I-I LOVEE EEETTT. *//o//* <333 You have talent! >u< *huggle*
LOL Thank you, but that is how I used to draw XD
I don't draw like that anymore...
Your welcome! >u< <3
Awwe, but why? :'o I-I'm sure you still can! Just a little more practice? ; . ;
I guess you could say I went into a more abstract way 8D
Ohoh I see! *Nod nod* xD >u<
XDDDD Yup yup =w= *nods*
Mhm mhm~ xD *noddd* :3
<w< *points* Okay, you stop having naughty thoughts about Miharu, you hear?
...; o ; O-Okaii!! *SOB* D-Don't use the kiraa on mee. ;~; *crawls away*
*tilts head* No... I was just making a point o.0
I wouldn't use Kira on you <w<
; ^ ;..O-Okaii~ *crawls over to couch*
<w< *proceeds to dispose body of the FBI agent*
Me ish going to sleep brother! ;'o
*yawns and puts pillows over self*
...- Q -...zZzzzZzZZ...
*takes towel and cleans drool* Why don't you go to your bed then...?
Uhmuhmm...I like the couch here! Ish comffyy~ *q* <33
You wont suffocate with the pillow on your face, would you?
Uhm uhm..n-noo. :o
Then sleep away sis XD
Yeshh! >u< *o* <3
*falls asleep on the second*
- Q -...ZzzZZzzzz..
*pokes sis to verify if she is asleep* ... <w<
- u -...ZzZzzZzzzz....
*continues poking cheek* <w<
Mm..- q -..ZzzzZzZzzz....
*poke poke poke* ...... <w< *pinches*
....ZzzzZZzzz...Ah! Eeeee-. e//^//e
Whyyoupinchmebrother? >//^//< *snuggles pillow* @ ^ @
*jumps back* I thought you were asleep <w<
I was asleep! *small yawn* N-Not until you pinched me! Then I woke up. ;o;
Sorry, I won't do that again. You can go back to sleep <w<
...O-Okaii...:'o *lays back down and cuddles pillow* ...ZzzzzZZ...- Q -
*stares all Edward like*
Egh... Creepy....
ZzzzZZz..- ~ -
*tries to contain temptation of pinchin* < w >
*snuggles pillow* - u -..ZzzZzz...<3
I suppose I can take a nap too *lays on the floor and closes his eyes*
...- u -..*dreammss*..Zzzzzz.. *snuggles pillowww* <3
*gets up to get a blanket and lays on the floor again, snuggling into the blanket for warm* _-_
C-Cookies...*mumble* -//u//-..ZzzzZzZZz..*snuggles pilloww*..
*shivers a little in his sleep* >~<
*grabs the air* Coookies...*mumble*
-Q-...zzzzz..*wakes up* @ ~ @ Aww, there's no cookies. :'c
*rolls to the side* Mmmh... Miharu, no.... Not there.....
...o ^ o...I-Is brother looking for Miharu in his sleep? :o *stares at brother* ...
*blushes* N-no, wa-ait Miharu... *gasps*
...*jaw drops* O///A///O...! EEEKK-;; *massive nosebleed* EGHH..@///@
Perverted brotherr..Ooooo..>//~//<
*turns to sis and smiles* Says the person who is having a major nosebleeding right now <w<
Ah-;; o//~//o..! Y-You were faking all that..? ;//~//; *hides face in pillow*...
*smirks* Your reactions are always funny, sis *devil wings*
>//)^(//<...U-Uhm..>//~//<!...*stares at the devil wings* .//n//. That came from Miharu...ALL OF IT! ://o I-It's like there's a Miharu inside youu! *shudders* ;//^//; *sniff*
It's like there is a Miharu inside me? Pffffft XDDDD
Your cheeks get so puffy whenever you blush sis <w<
OH WAIT. O////O...That sounded soo wrong...didn't it?! x//^//x
>//)~//)>...U-Uhmm..>//~//< Yeshh they do.. .//.
<w< ....
*pokes cheek*
And yes, it did....
Ah-;; ;//~//;...
Uhm uhm..sowwyy..x//D
*pokes again* <w< No, you are not...
>//)~//)>...Y-Yes I amm..
*and pokes again* You are going to fly off with your cheeks as puffed as they are <w<
>//~//>..O-Okaii..; . ;
A-And if you poke me again, I'll bit your finger! >//~//<
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