While STILL waiting for my video to be uploaded on YouTube... I decided to have fun, and finally take pictures of (more or less) how my original Ciel was supposed to look with the coat I recently got on mail...
Unfortunately I make a terrible Ciel, because: 1. I am not petit, no matter how much I (don't) want to be. 2. I am not pale, and my perfectionism just can't get over that. I am tanned, and I have to accept that I will be this way no matter what. Unless of course I decide to go Michael Jackson, and completely bleach my skin. But that is just plain creepy...
So here it is... The pictures, again, completely make the intricate details of the cosplay disappear in that blurriness of black. I tried using again that grey vest to see if I could make the jewelry I am wearing more noticeable, but you can still barely see it... Darn.

I just love the coat XD

You can kinda sorta see the pins I am wearing, but still you can't see very good the details. That is just plain annoying! Same thing with the bow I have in my neck. You can barely see the red gem it has in the middle...

Lighting was not good today, so the pictures are not good either. I am not a professional photographer, but, crap, how I wish I were one XD

I also kind of noticed that you couldn't see if I was wearing pants or shorts (but being Ciel, of course I had to wear shorts), so this is more of an overview to prove I am indeed wearing shorts!
I hate shorts... Egh, those knees...
And that is all! The other pictures were just crap, so very few turned out kind of okay... What I do have noticed that Ciel is not Ciel when Sebastian is not there as his shadow. Something that I noticed at cons and roleplaying and stuff. It is my belief that to make a convincing Ciel, you need your shadow XD
I NEED MY SHADOW!!! Pffft...
Have a nice day!
Ja ne
Ish Cielliee~ *///u///*! <33
Y-You have such an amazing cosplayy! c//: <3
*lovess eet* *o<
I would so send you my uncle's camera. It's the type photographers use. .__. xD
Goodgood quality. >u< <3
*drools over your cosplays* x//Q//x
Thank you sis ^^ I am very glad you liked it
My camera is not bad to take good pictures, but you really need a good background and lights for quality pictures >w<
Something I really don't have ._.
Your welcome brother, and yesh! <3
That's truee. >o< I sometimes see cosplayers getting a real photographer and the pictures look very nice. But I'm sure that would cost moneyy. xD >o<;; <3
Yeah, best way to do that is to get your picture taken by the photographers (professionals of course) that go to the cons XD
*nod nod* Yessh! >u< Then I could see your outfitt~ *//u//* <33
Yeaaaaahh but who knows when that will happen XD
xDD Yeshh, true true. >o<;
So I have to be happy with what I get ._. *looks at pictures* >w>
xD <3 B-But the pictures are stiill awesome! *u* <3
Well I never like my pictures XD
I dooo! Me me! *raises hand*
*pats head* You are too sweet, sis ^^
>u< <33 Sankyou. ;u;
Well, I really do love your cosplays. c:
And this whole time, I've been watching weird videos..Like this one! :'DD
I would love to do that too, though it is a nasty joke XD
xDDD I would do it too. But if you cosplay as Yoite and do that..*U*..That would be just hilarious. xDD
LOL *has that picture in mind*
I think it would be more funny with Mihary though XD
And Thobari freaking out by that...
xDD That would be funnyy. :'D
Poor Thobarii. >o<;;
Miharu: *drops baby over cliff*..Oops..*blank stare*..Oh well. *skips away*
Thobari: *jaw drops and eyes follow Miharu*...AAHHHH! *runs over to cliff and looks down* It's GONE...IT'S GONNEEE! ; ^ ;
Yes, I was seeing exactly that too XDDDDDDD
Except with the addition of Thobari screaming "OUR BABY IS GONE!!!" XDDDD
Th-They have a BABBYY?! >O< xDDD
xDD HAAHAA, Thobarii screaming. :'DD
And that couple is plain NASTYY xD
And hilarious. :'3
Of course not, but with Thobari being all delusional and all, he would think that plastic baby is their baby XDDDDD
xDD Hehe, th-that's true. :'D
Miharu dosen't give a crack about Thobari. c':
Miharu: *skipping to Yoite's house*
I wouldn't say he doesn't give a crack, he does to some degree. But not in that romantic way. Noooo.... Not at all XD
Mhm mhm. That is truue. xD
Nuunuu romantic. e ~ e!
Now it seems that Raimei and Miharu is possible.... Though somewhat improbable...
xD Ahh, uhmuhm. > <;;
I don't want that couplee! o ~ <
MiharuxYoite FTW *U*
But sis... You are forgetting a tiny tiny detail <w<
....Wh-What is it? :o
Yoite dies *blunt* 8D
XDDD Nice cosplay and it seems that we are all cosplaying Ciel, I'm doing that next year XDDD *is too tan, but doesn't give a damn* Don't worry about being too dark, I've seen black Ciel's so you'll be fine XD
@Zeki: That's what she said! *kira'd*\
@Miharu: LOL Thank you =w=
But I don't think I will be cosplaying Ciel anymore. I will probably "recycle" the wig, and do Minato from Persona 3 as I have said...
>n< Wait WHAT? xD
And I drew Yoite in the shower today for some reason.*cough* ._. >//u//>
....... Whaaaaaaaaaaat? >w> You drew Yoite where exactly....?
....In the shower...on the shower door...*cougghhh* >//~//>;;...
Sh-Shirtless. >//;;//>...*nosebleed*
And.... Why where you imagining Yoite thereeeeee......? > w >
I-I just wanted to draw him okaii?! >//~//<
..... In the shower....
.... >//;;//>..*cough* Uhm...
I-I don't know what to say...>//^//>;; Or explain anything..>//;;;;///>
*shakes head* Poor Yoite... No privacy even in the shower <w<
.//~//. ....Uhm uhm...>//~//>..
.... You don't.... Peek.... Do you? >w>
...Peek? A-At what? >//~//o;;
You know what I am talking about! >w> Don't pretend you don't...
@Yoite: Okay XD And be careful...lock the doors close the windows and blinds and makes sure to place salt and traps by all the openings
xDDD Heyy Miharuu! xD *squueeezes to DEATHH* <33
<//~//<;;..N-No..I didn't brother..@//^//@
@Miharu: You are kind of forgetting the part where sis lives inside the house too >w> *goes to get salt and traps anyway* But its a challenge I shall take!
@Seki: *stares at sis in suspicion*
Wait, why are you placing traps and salt at all the openings? >o<;; xD
*looks away* ...>//~//>;;..
Because you are a peeping-Tom 83 *continues with his task of placing traps and salt at all openings*
.~. Oh ohh. xDDDD
>o<! *creeps through the hallway* *//u//*
Okay, I am done! *looks at sis* Stop creeping around, and hand me over that drawing that you did <w<
;//^//; I-I can't give you the drawing! It's on the shower door. .~.
In the bathroom!*points*
.... And why did you put it there, for all to see? o_O *goes to fetch it*
I-I said because I wanted to! >//~//<;;...H-How can you get it?! It's on the shower door brother. >.<
xDDD *huggles back*
xDDD *hides* >u< Heehee
Crap... <w< At least now we know she IS the descendant of Papa....
xDD Heehee~ :3
*noms on watermelon while hiding* *u*
*has salt ready at hand* >w> I will be getting a hammer and get rid of that drawing once and for all!
*jumps out from hiding place* NOOOO! >//~//<
*throws salt at sis* Be gone you fangirl! >w>
; n ;...FINE! *walks away still nomming on watermelon* Then I'll go draw another one but WORSE! :DD
*runs to room and locks it*
........ WHAT? *goes to door and knocks at it insistently* What do you mean by WORST? Answer me!!!!
Nnnooo! >u< *//u//* Heehheee~
*keeps on knocking* Sis, please!!!! Don't be like... Like... Like Papa!
; ^ ;...*sniff* F-Fine! What do youu wannt?! > ~ <
Where you serious about the drawing you just mentioned...? @~@
Mmm..y-yesh... .//~//. *leans against the door*
YOU WERE?! What are you planning to draw! *knocks again* Tell meeeeee!
N-Nothing! *backs away from door* >n<
You just said you were serious about it, so it means you are planning to draw whatever you want to draw. What are you planning!!! *sniffs*
I-I...I was planning to draw you and Miharuu together in the showerr! *SQUEAKS* *jumps on the bed and screams in pillow*
....... OMG First me and now Miharu?! Must warm him now! *goes to warn Miharu*
NOOOO! *slams door open* D-DON'T TELL HIMM! ;////;
YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!! *puts message in folder and gives it to his owl* To Miharu, fast! *kira'd*
xDDD NOOO! *sob* I'm now embarrassed for life, thanks to YOU! <~<
It wasn't me who made you draw me in the shower, OR planned for you to draw me and Miharu in the shower either! >w>
Th-That's true..; A ; *SOB*
...... Perv >///>
Well you are! <///<
Does that mean you have also peeked at Miharu in the shower?!?! o_o
N-NOOO! ;//A//; I-I didn't! I promise! *SOBSS*
>w> You better... *kira'd*
xDDD I know I knoww.. < ~ <
You wuv your little SHOTA don't youu? ://3
Yesh 8D *kira'd*
xDDD O-Okaii then. <//^//< *pats*
You enjoy him then. .///. xDD
Pffffft You want me to =w= You, peeping Tom >w>
xDDD khbfhawb!! N-Nooo~ >U<..
The peeping Tom would be sensei brother. xD
That is Miharu's peeping Tom....
xDDD So now each person has a peeping Tom?! :O *looks around for mine*
Wait, does that mean you are my peeping Tom? o_O I was just saying you are a yaoi peeping Tom >w>
NO! ; A ; I-It dosen't mean thatt! *SOBS*
>w> Okay...
Miharu is just special and that is why he has his own peeping Tom =w=
xDDDD Yes, yes he's special alright. =u=..<3
Just don't tell him that =w=
xD Okaii~ :3
Homework ish killing me. @ u @ *forces myself to do it* Dx
You can do it sis! 83
Thank you brother. ; u ; And yesh! :D
Also my legs hurt from running in PE. @ u @~~~ Heehee*DIES* I-I can't even get up! It hurts when I do. ; A ;
Stupid Summer and 24/7 computer sittin TIMEE. xDDD
Poor sis *pats head* =w= there there, PE is good for you though! 8D
*Nod nod* ; ~ ;! Yesh, it is good. >n< But not when my legs hurt! xD
; n ;
>w> You sure is summer's fault....?
. ~ . ...Mmm..*sniff* I-It's my fault! ; ~ ; </3
*pats head* Good sis ^w^
; ^ ; *sniff*
I-I finished the math homework brother! :D Yesshhh! >u<
And now, no homework to do. @ u <
But after an hour or so I'll go to bed because I've been half way to falling asleep in my classes. . ^ .
Tsk tsk tsk that is no good XD
Ish okay, you go and rest 83
xDD But I always keep my head up!
; ~ ; A-And okaii, I will...once the Sun fadess awaii~ *A* xD
That still doesn't count! >w>
Okay, you do that 8D
xD Y-Yes it does! :'o
*Nod nod* I will~ :D <3
Noooo, because you aren't paying attention!!!! >w>
8D <3
Noo, I-I was paying attention! ; A ;
But I was falling asleep at the same time! > n <
xD <3
@Yoite: I saw that XD Yaaaay! I'm special!! 8D *kira'd* Aaaaand....*throws salts by all possible entrances*
xDDD YEAH! See, Miharu understands me! :U *highfives Miharu* YUSH! :U
xD oohhh, Miharuu saw that brother. >u<!
Well I was just saying the truth!
@Miharu: Have you found the hidden cameras in your room yet? >w> LOL XD
*looks at camera from inside closet* LEAVE SUMMER ALONE! *kira'd*
@Zeki: *throws salt at sis* You missed this, Miharu >w> *kira'd severely*
Eek! Stop throwing salt at meee.
; ~ ;! *sobs* ; ^ ; A-And Miharu tricked mee todayy!
Oh! I wanted to ask,(writing an essay already ._.), what is another way to say bookworm? xD I put bibliomaniac. >u< Is that good brother? :o
Bookworm? Book lover, library mouse, er... Can't really think of any, but I think that one is good.
What did Miharu do to you? XD
Oh oh, okaii~ >u< Sankyou! :3
H-He faked his death! ; A ;
I squeezed him and he looked like he died-;; SOSO I ran because I thought you'd kill me for doing that, and& Miharu told me he faked it with his devil WINGAS! ; ~ ;
LOL That is my Miharu XDDDDDDDD
xDDD LOL. Okaii =^=
You love that devil little boyy you have there. xD
Yup 8D All mine *kira'd*
At the same time it means he likes you if he is playing his little devil tricks on you >w>
xDDD Yesh brother, alll yours. >o<
Oh oh.. o ~ <..So then it's like you know what the little devil does or means. Just like understanding a kittyy! :o
........ Yeah..... Something like that >w>
>u< Hehee, a kittyy!! Mew! >u< *u*
Friday is coming up, and you know what thatt means! FRIDAYY, FRIDAYY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAYY~ xD Nyahahahaa! xDD >U<
NOOOOOOOOO! NOT THAT SONG, NUUUUUUUUUU! *throws himself out the window*
xDDD O-Okaii! *turns song off* >u<;;
Hehe~ :3
Now I know brother's weakness! :D
Wait no..Miharu's teasing's are brother's weakness... <//~//<;;...
xDDD O-Okaii! *turns song off* >u<;;
Hehe~ :3
Now I know brother's weakness! :D
Wait no..Miharu's teasing's are brother's weakness... <//~//<;;...
>w> Why are you blushing...?
...>//~//>..Th-Thoughts.. .//~//.
Oh oh brother! Fruit saladd, yummy yummyy~ xD Wiggles FTW! :3 <333
Oh yummy, that sounds delicious
Oh, and you perv 8D
xDD I-I am not a perv! >//)^//)>..
*puffy cheeks* *mumble* ...
Yes you are =w= You take it from Papa *pokes puffy cheeks* <w<
...Eeee-;; ;//~//; *sniifff* M-Maybe I am like papa! :'c
An sensei made me diie! >n<
@Yoite: XDDD I miss too much! Aaaand....*smahses camera with a hammer* Finally got them all =w=
@Zeki: XDDDD
xDDD Oooh Miharu smashed all the cameras. >o<;;
And new wordd! Smahses~ :3
@Zeki: And yes, you're awesome, but I am not a kitty!!! XD I'm a racoon 8D *kira'd*
xDDD Yayyy! A racoon! *jumps around* YESHH *U* <3
Then Miharu Racoon..brother wuvs you. xD
LOL What are you two talking about in my blog? XDDDD
@Miharu: Mish you too 8D What about the cameras in your bathroom? 8D *kira'd*
Yesh, I do know that you are a racoon =w= *tempted to pull tail once again* >w>
@Zeki: Pfff mean sensei, what did he do to you? >w>
xDD W-We were just talking! ><
And sensei showed me this really smexii picture of Sebastian..so then I almost died. ;///;
LOL So that is what happened.... XDDDD
*Nod nod* xD
A-And I also found out that I have a sweet tooth! >o< When I went to the grocery store; *Was skipping along the aisles eyes sparkling at every candy, cookie, dessert there was*...
*Grabbed all of them-;; wasn't allowed to buy all* >n< I-I got only a few! xD
@Yoite: Miss you too! 8D . . .*hugs tail* >~<
@Zeki: Whaaaaaaa? XD
Don't say whaa! ; A ; I have a sweet toothh! @ n @! Ohoh. >u< It's FRIDAYY! :D
Fridayy, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday~
@Miharu: *pouty face at not being able to play with tail* ._.
@Zeki: No... NO! NOT THAT SONG NOOOOOO! *runs to a wall and knocks himself down*
I must admit that I also have a huge sweet tooth. Kind of runs in the family and all... But I musts resist the temptation of eating chocolates at least until the next convention >~<
Yess! That song YESHH! xD >U<
*Nod nod* xD You can do it brother! Patiencee! >u< *huggle*
My mom is addicted to chocolate so if she eats too much I take it away. =u= xDD "No mommy, NO! *smile*" xD
Yeah! YEAH! *looks at empty chocolate wrapper on hand* .... Aww... ._.
LOL I would never dare take away my mom's joy out of her >w> I wouldn't live to tell the tale
@Yoite: Gambate! xDDDDD *makes cute pout desu desu*
@Zeki: NUUUUUU!!!! Dx
@Miharu: B-b-but...! *teary eyed* You make such a cute squeak whenever I pull it @.@
@Yoite: xD I would take it. >n< I just don't want her to eat too much. xD
@Miharu: Yess! >u<
*Just stares at you two* u<
<<..Ohoh! I want to hear Miharu squeak brother! >u<
>w> Then you pull the tail. I don't want to be the target of the shota's wrath! *kira'd*
N-Noo! >//^//< You do it!
Why do I have to do it? > w >
Because your his SEME~! xDD <//^//<
PFFFFFFFFT That doesn't mean that I am stupid enough to try that! 8D
How does it make you stupid if you pull Miharu's tail? :'o
Because you know what would happen if you do, and yet you do it anyway 8D
:o! Oh oh. But wait, what would happen? .~.
>w> Something very, very bad...
..o ~ <..U-Uhmm..then..would I get a nosebleed from that bad thing you say? <//o//<..
...... You just want to get a nosebleed, don't you? >w>
N-Not true! >//~//>...
Yeah, right... Look at my eyes and say that again! >w>
Mmm..N-No! >//~//<
Your cheeks are puffing sis >w> So it means you are lying!!!
Oh, would you like me to visit TM today?
N-No, I'm not lying! >//)~(//< !
Ah! ; u ; Y-Yes please! >u< <33 *Glomps* But in what room? c:
Keep lying like that, and I will pinch you >w>
Pfff I dunno, whichever room XD
N-Noo! ;//~//<
xD I opened my room in the anime section. :D Sensei is here. xD
LOL Okay, just let me finish a painting I am doing, then I will go okay? 83
Okaii~ >u< I want to see painting! :'o! *o* <3
And take your time. >u<
You can see paintings online 8D *being smartass*
Thank you. It will only take me a little while, and then I will go to TM ^^
xDD I wanna see your painting! >n<
Your welcome, and okaii! >u< ^u^
The password to my room is "parfait:.
*o* <33
Okay, I will be there ^^
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