These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #9!

I guess we could all say that Thobari-sensei is pretty useless as a ninja, but as a comic-relief he definitely has a future. I adore how Miharu always pushes him to public transportations XD

And the Stockholm syndrome appears once again! The NEED to be with Yoite grows and grows with each passing day!
Don't worry Miharu, you will be with Yoite very soon. He needs to see you too... just not for the same reasons.

We all know that Gau was subconsciously BEGGING to be killed by Yoite in this scene. We are all thankful for Raikou stopping him before any real damage was done XD. Did anyone realize how tall Yoite is? And they are both the same age!! o_O

What nobody knows here is that he was actually thinking of using Kira on Gau here. He just had an attack before he got around it. Next time Yoite find a duck tape, is really more useful and satisfying.

We ALL know that you are hiding something, and you still *believe* that you could convince Miharu otherwise. You should have, at least, told that you knew something, but you thought Miharu was still not prepared for it. You bad sensei! Bad! And you wondered why Miharu left you?