In this entry I shall be reviewing the anime of Nabari No Ou by Yuhki Kamatani. You are all warned that there might be spoilers, so read under your own discretion. Also, this is my own point of view. If you agree or not you can comment, but do not get mad at me for the way I think about the series.
I apologize if my ramblings make no sense to you. My thoughts are really all over the place, and I tried to write in a way that it is as coherent as possible.
Nabari no Ou
I must admit that, before watching the series, I saw the teaser for it (and read the description on Wikipedia). It kind of sounded interesting, but I really wasn’t expecting much of it (maybe because I’m dead tired of the Naruto’s ninjas and their merchandise).
I started watching the series on YouTube, and I must admit that I was glad for the not-so-usual protagonist of the series (“King of Indifference” he is referred as). A lot of people didn’t really like his personality, but it was refreshing to see someone that really doesn’t want to follow his “destiny” and just wants to continue on with his normal life.
His destiny being King of Nabari (concealment, or you can think of it as the Ninja World) because inside of him he has a special hitjutsu called the Shinrabanshou (things of all nature), a power that pretty much can control everything in the world. The protagonist, called Miharu, pretty much answers to that:
“Okay, then I want it out of me.”
And the quests starts with how they can extract that power from Miharu, and seal if forever (so it doesn’t reincarnate in another body). The quest being that there were five group of Ninjas that had different hijutsus (that once in the past they sealed the Shinrabanshou), and believed that by collecting all of those techniques they could create a new hitjutsu that could extract the Shinrabanshou from Miharu.
The series continues by starting to know their opposition (one of the group of Ninjas that pretty much want to use the Shinrabanshou for the “good of humanity”). A great impact was when we meet one of the opposite Ninjas, Yoite, who uses the kinjutsu Kira (a technique which uses their own chi (life source) and can kill your enemy instantaneously. The consequence of it is that you will shorter your life-span by a LOT). You first see Yoite as a quiet and powerful character, and assume that he will be the typical “you are not dignified enough for me to talk to you,” kind of guy. But all of these assumptions are shut down, when later on you see Yoite asking:
“Am I alive?”
Pretty much saying that, like any teenager out there, he has existentialists’ problems. This is also were I saw and expected that at one point in the series Yoite was going to die.
When Yoite finds the Shinrabanshou holder, Miharu, he seeks him out and threatens him to kill his friends if he doesn’t erase his existence before he dies. Meaning that he doesn’t want to die (he knows that he will die soon by the use of the Kira technique), but just wants to have never existed in the first place. Miharu, not having a lot of options, accepts the terms. Yoite then promises to help him become the King of Nabari by any means possible.
In this first encounter between Miharu and Yoite is where you realize how sick Yoite already is (by the coughing of blood and all), and reassures everybody (me) that he will indeed die/disappear at some point.
This is where it surprised me to no end, and where I believe that Miharu develops a Stockholm syndrome. Instead of the usual “you go your way, I go mine,” on their plan to make Miharu be able to use the Shinrabanshou, Miharu starts to develop a need to be with Yoite all the time. So much that he leaves his friends behind, and forms part of the enemy’s group. Of course Yoite was weirder out, asking why was he following him when he was the one threatening with the life of his friends for the sake of his own wish. Miharu then couldn’t really answer the question either.
And it continues on with the collection of the hitjutsus. Throughout this Miharu starts to realize that Yoite is very much like him, and starts to wish (instead of erasing his existence) to save his life, so they can be together always. The most beautiful thing about this friendship/relationship (depends on how you see it) between soul mates is that it goes beyond reason and expectation. They are like kindred spirits. You start to slowly see how Miharu wants to know more about Yoite, and even though the only thing he founds out is some character named “Sora,” he never leaves his side anyway. Yoite by his part starts to only trust Miharu, and protects him with his life.
Never have I seen such a wonderful development and interaction between characters. It’s touching and so realistic that you are almost expecting a bittersweet conlusion at the end. There is such a dependency and support between them that, when they get separated (very near the end of the series) by the enemy, it just HURTS.
By the help of their friends, they find each other again, and try to escape from enemy’s territory. Unfortunately they get captured again, and the enemy manipulates Miharu, drawing the Shinrabanshou out of him.
Very exciting climax to the series, and I kind of believe that the ending was also satisfactory for it (not perfect because that would have been for Yoite to be saved and live with Miharu forever really... but that is the shounen-ai fangirl in me). If you know the manga, this ending will make you sad/cry.
One thing that I really REALLY liked (besides the whole Yoite/Miharu interaction) was the second ending (from episode 16 and on), which also has Yoite/Miharu interaction (duh). It kind of surprised me to have J-country song in it (never heard one before...), but the scenes follow the lyrics of the song oh so beautifully. It just kinds of supports how wonderful of a relationship they have. I liked the song so much that I will even put the lyrics, so you can share the joy with me.
Under the pouring rain
You began losing yourself
Even if you took notice,
You would still feel content with being empty.
I will reach out with these hands
So please do not turn away.
I want to be by your side.
So please let me be close to you.
That’s how it is,
Just like that.
This is how I will live my life.
I will grip firmly onto your hand.
No matter where we are, we can take flight.
If we are together, we can map out the distance,
And that’s just how it is.
Which clearly depicts Miharu’s feelings towards Yoite and vice versa. The title of the song is “Aru ga Mama” (that’s how it is) by Anamu & Maki.
I was going to also review the manga of this series, but the entry has already become long enough. I will try to post it on the next one.
In conclusion, this anime is really a must watch (and if you haven’t, do it NOW). It may start slowly at first, but it just gets better and better as soon as both Yoite is presented in the series. It is only 26 episodes. Long enough to actually enjoy a good story, but not so long that you just want it to end. The animation is good (I actually liked them better than the manga, but they still remain to be stick figures...), and follows the manga pretty well until very near the end (the ending is totally different, and actually saves you from the heartache that the manga will give you).
I am very glad to have come across this anime, and I cannot wait until they sell the DVD this year. Believe me people, I will get it ASAP.
Thank you for your attention.
Ja ne!
Questions that you might ask...
What about the other characters?
I really don’t feel like writing about them. They are like side stories to the main story. I’m not saying that they are not important! But I do feel like the story really revolves around Miharu and Yoite (I tend to do that with any anime, and I apologize).
Would you consider this series as shounen-ai?
It depends really. I mean there are references that indicate that it is, for example when Miharu is told that Yoite is really more than a friend to him. The extreme closeness between Miharu and Yoite also indicate that. But you can also take it as a very good friendship. I think that they made it that way, so anybody can take their relationship as they want it to be. For me? It is shounen-ai.
Is there is something that you don’t like about the series?
Yes, there is actually. There is this character who is extremely useless and NAÏVE (you will know who he is). I just wished that they would have push him to the side and kept him there. He annoyed me to no end.
I can’t find all the episodes in YouTube, do you know where I can find them all?
Yes. Send me a comment with your e-mail, and I will send the link to you. Share the love!
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