These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #8!
P.S. I want her POWERS!

She kinda got that one coming always sticking her nose in Miharu's thoughts. I mean, I know I want her powers and all, but how annoying would that be? How could you have a conversation with someone that pretty much already knows what you are going to say before you say it? Can you back out from your own thoughts? What about subconscious thoughts?
Okay I'm thinking this one too much.

This more or less what I heard on this scene
bla bla bla, I had the hots for Miharu's mom, bla bla bla, I don't want to kill, bla bla bla, I am not ready to tell what happened 10 years ago, bla bla bla ba bla, I will change my ninja ways to kill for this mission, bla bla bla...

Nowake: This will be beneficial for everyone!
Oda-san: ... er... I am eternally grateful and all that, but... why that pose?
Nowake: This anime has a flair for dramatics, didn't you notice?
Oda-san: mmm... never figured.
Me: ninja dramas omg! O_o

Every-time this guy appears on my screen, I would always think "dude, you are ugly."
It gets WORST in the manga x_x

I present to you! From Thobari-sensei productions...
Did nobody wonder how Mr. Frosty could have a heart attack all that time?

OF COURSE! Now that he proved to be beyond useless, he wants to feel a little bit useful by helping Miharu open a bottle. OMG Sensei, you are the best!!!!
Don't know why this scene bothered be, but it did a lot.
Kouichi: You are not always going to be this useless are you Seeeensei?
Me: Oh no, It gets worst later on.
Kouchi: darn...
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