These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #5!

How is it that the hairstyle that you have ever since little you have to keep it for the rest of your life? I mean, don't you want to change it at one point?
Raimei: my mom decided for two ponytails, so now I'll have to keep it all my life... darn.
Raikou: something wrong with that Raimei?
Raimei: I wanted mowhawk.
Raikou: now that is crazy. I think pink hair is better.
Raimei: er...

Great... vampires! Don't we have enough of a mania right now? Must we also try to imitate them in this great show?
Miharu: Sensei... there are other parts where you could take blood you know?
Sensei: this is a little fanservice for the yaoi fangirls watching this.
Fangirls: EW! We don't want YOU!

This is the only reason why I don't want Fuuma-dono to die (the dragon), but unto my point here. We are in an apartment no? How the HECK does the dragon fit there, and also have enough space to fight? What about the other three girls? Are they being squeezed to the wall?
Girls:... just... don't talk to us right now...
Me: oooooookay.

I don't know if I'm the only one thinking this but... Doesn't this face show GREAT potential for a seme? The couples where the younger is the seme are just sooooo sexy.
Yoite:... so I wouldn't be the seme here...
Me: sorry... you just have too many issues to actually take initiative.
Miharu: I'm headed for the bookstore then. I'll have to start my research. The sooner the better.
Yoite: ....
Me: I have a list where you could take some pointers!

I like a man who dedicates his time for school! Ninjas could be out to get him, a Kira's user could be out to get him, but homework is MUCH more important!

And once again, Yoite's impeccable manners appear right before he kidnaps Miharu. I would bet that even Yoite would also know how important is school, and would let Miharu finish his homework before following him to... wherever is that they go...
Yoite: Good Evening...
Miharu: .........I'll go with you, but first can I finish this problem before I leave?
Yoite: Okay.
Miharu: *scribbles* what's the formula for that... mmm.......
Yoite: the answer for that is 4.25
Miharu: ah okay, thanks... *scribbles more* okay done. Now we can go.
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