Just one note before I start with this whole thing. I am starting now comic strips! Where me along with my kidna- *cough* I mean borrowed favorite characters share wonderful experiences together! In chibi mode! It takes a while to draw it on the computer, but soon I will have the first comic strip.
Wait for it guys!
These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #22!

This kind of shows me that the most EVIL character in the whole series is HER. It would be of no wonder to me that the whole "use the shinra banshou to get rid of human's history" would be her idea.
I hate you!

Well, would you look at that... At least someone is having a nice time while Miharu, Yoite, Gau, Raikou, and Oda-san are RUNNING FOR THEIR LIFES. At least the Fuuma ninjas were inside the hotel! What are you waiting there? For a miracle to appear?
*Gau appears*
... You my friend, are NOT a miracle. Not to them anyway.

Ah, forget what I said in the previous screenshot. HERE is someone who is doing nothing, feeling angst, and has NO IDEA of the situation! Man, can't you do anything?
Here goes again the angst, angst, angst, have the hots for Miharu's mom... I mean, hello? You already have a woman?
Really, don't bother looking for Miharu. Really. He'll be thankful.

AAAAAND the truth comes out! See how Yoite looks away with the "oops" written in the face XD
I can almost see the conversation here.
Yoite: I lied.
Miharu: Where they all lies? The fragment in Kouichi, Raimei, Kumohira-sensei-
Yoite: Yes...
Miharu: Your promise that you would remain alive. That you would remain by my side always-
Yoite: ... Amm...
Miharu: That we would grow old together, get married, adopt children-
Yoite: ...
Miharu: That you started loving me from the first time you saw me, and that-
Yoite: ... Miharu they are follow us, let's go!
Miharu: Okay! ^.^

When I heard his declaration from the first time, I remember saying "What are you saying?"
Then I hear Yoite say, "What are you saying."
I was like "Psyched!" Great minds think alike!
The second time I watched the anime, same thing happened. By the third time... Well, I guess I could already tell from memory the whole conversation altogether. No fuuuun.

The whole fighting scene ends just like that! Because Yukimi has a gun. You ninjas reaaaally need to get guns too, wouldn't that make things much faster? I felt like the whole minutes of fighting scenes were pointless by this.
Kinda like in the Matrix...

Okay, now they are talking through the door? Is it soooo difficult to slide the door, and talk face to face? What if you misheard a word or something? And what you end up hearing is something tooootally different? Like...
Voice: and now Chip's Market has cases of canned pears on sale next Wednesday, cheap.
Woman (because I really won't bother with her name anyway): Understood.
Hattori: So, what did they have to say?
Woman: That a pair of Martian spaceships has sailed in and landed next to Wendy's jeep.
Hattori: ... Okay... Good to know...
haha! As always..your commentary really make my day! Like the last one about the misheard thingy...can really imagine it!! Still...I hate her too much I wouldn't mind that it didn't happen...heh!
Uhh I knoooow. I hate the witch too. Although I don't so much in the manga, but then I don't know her real intentions yet in the manga either...
I believe the characters are much funnier in the manga XD
Indeed...the manga's plot seems like it can expand more after this...
That's so true! The manga is so funny especially the 4-panel strip at the end of each volume...love it to bits!! ^^
I just loooved the panels where Yoite is waiting for Miharu to finish his homework, and the one where they are stuck hiding in the library XD
On and the one where Raikou was dressed up as Yoite (even HE does cosplay), oh! and the one...
Okay I better stop there XP
Hey, I love that one too! Raikou is so dorky! haha~
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