These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #22!

With this look on his face, you can pretty much tell that he is thinking the, "Oh shit. I shouldn't have brought Yoite and Miharu here." What did I say before about the road to hell? But did you listen? Did ya?! DID YA?!
Yukimi is adorable, but here is probably the only time I feel like hitting his head... Multiple times... With a hammer...

Okay, once again they try the tied up thing, but obviously didn't listen to me either. Right place, Right people, wrong circumstances, and only ONE is supposed to be tied up... To a bed...
Let's peek unto their thoughts in this scene, shall we?
Yoite: ... Tied up once again.
Miharu: ... Dang, I'm blinded while Yoite is tied up. I'm totally missing my sugar eye.
Yukimi: Leader... What this really necessary?
Hattori: Enjoy while you can... Enjoy while you can...

So it was HER idea to teach Yoite the Kira technique?! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and by the way? Yoite is not a wild animal. Anybody with survival instincts would be scared to hell from an ugly woman like you!!! *sniff*

Yoite: He is not saying anything.
Miharu: Look Yoite, he is not breathing.
*gasps, squeals, and dies from asphyxiation*

Men, talking about melodrama *eats popcorn.* Next thing I will be hearing is "I am your real father...*dramatic sound effect*" or "You have an incurable disease, and have one month left to live *dramatic sound effect*".
Wait... There is already that... *dramatic sound effect*.
I'm sooooooooooo gonna kill her!!!
*picks up an axe and kill her on the spot*
Feels so much better now...
Miharu: What a crazy person...
Me: Come on...I know you want to kill her too, didn't you?
Miharu: I do.
Me: See? Told you~
Yoite: *runs away*
You should have let me tortured her first! I was bringing Sebastian for that T^T
Dammit, now the contract is void nuuuuuuuuu...
I hate more Yoite's family though. Imagine, they never took BABY PICTURES OF YOITE! Or of Yoite growing up! I bet even Miharu would have liked to see those!
Miharu: ... Maybe you still have use that Sebastian person to torture a certain family...
Me: That's the Miharu I know and love! ^.^
Soooo agree!!! I love the cover for chapter 50 where Yoite is sitting reading a book in perhaps? He looks oh-so-cute~
Miharu: Stop drooling, or else...
Me: Ok~ *sigh*
Yoite:...I'm not cute...
Miharu and Me: YES YOU ARE!
Miharu: *Gives me a sudden death glare*
Me: *runs away*
Me: Meep! Miharu you meanie. You should learn to share a little.
Miharu: I won't share.
Yoite: And I'm not a thing to be shared with.
Me: Oh screw the consequences! *Hugs Yoite tightly* Okay, now I gotta run! *Runs away*
Me: *Faintly* Caaatch meeee, and you leave Yoiteee aloooone...
Miharu: Tsk...
Me: *Echoes* Teeheeee!!
Me: Geez~ should have done the same trick...*sigh*
Miharu: You better not! Once I get my hands on her, I'll *too violent to describe here*...
Yoite: ....
Me: Understood! *sweat*
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