I was going through some Yaoi mangas the other day (*cough* don't reaaaaally want to explain what they were about *cough*), and I came up to the cover of one of them. I really don't pay attention to the covers, but something of this one made me halt and point out a tiny little detail that they did.
Here let me show you...

Pretty normal right? Until you see the drawing on the bottom left corner! Here it is a close-up of the drawing...

Yoite? What the heck are you doing there?
So thaaaat's where you went after you disappeared from NnO
So yeah pretty much a lot of ramblings and craziness of my part. See how obsessed I am? My friends are like this close to take me to a mental hospital from my obsession. Shows how much they know!
They don't know a thing!!! >.>
Good day to you all! ^.^
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