Yesterday I was extremely bored...
Common Sense: When you are supposed to be studying...
And I felt like dressing up again! Yay! I found a blue sweater I had, very hidden in my closet, that kinda resembled the sweater Yoite wears at the last episode. So I though to myself, why not take pictures cosplaying Yoite in tat get up? And I did! And it was fun!
Unfortunately I am having trouble finding the perfect turtleneck sweater. I have something that resembles that sweater (or at least the turtleneck part) but it's more like a sarape. So when I put the sweater on top, it was all bundled up in the chest area, and it looked pretty ridiculous. I tried as many angles as I could, but it still looked soooo weird XD. I ended up just taking pictures of my face... Again... Man! You must be thinking I'm narcissistic or something! When actually is the total opposite XP
Me no likey myself hehehe...

So here is one! That is my office (so red! Grell must like my office XD) And that is me trying to look cool... And failing.

That is me again! Almost same position, is just that the sun hit me differently, and now I look yellow o_O
Me love my hair XD

And as promised! I also bought some... CAT-EARS! Er... Can't really explain the position... It just happened? Meow?

Again with the ears. They look cool (for being so cheap). Now I am wondering if I would wear them in public too XD
But then I wouldn't be able to wear my hat... To wear or not to wear... That is the question...

Now you can see my face (like you couldn't do THAT before...). If anybody wonders about that hair in the middle standing up, that is also part of the cat-ears. I also wonder as much as you why they put that hair as part of the cat-ears.
I had fun! From like 15 pictures I took that day, I only ended up using 5. Believe me! It's better that you do not look at those pictures...
I promise also that the new comic will be finished this week! >.<
See you all next time!
seriously you look really cute with the cat-ears!
Sebastian: Do i smell a cat?
and you are very cool with Yoite's appearance! Kawaii!!
i also do love red as Madam Red and Greil Sutcliffe!
Greil: Ahh!! i wonder how Sebastian looks like when he's wearing a red tailcoat *wondering*.. umm..umm..*being lustful*
Ahh!! Sebastian!!! *flying towards Sebastian*
Sebastian: Stop it. That was digusting. *kicking Greil*
Greil: Uhh! Don't point at my face! You really being so cold.
Thihihi..ok, stop it Kimmy..
Now I am wondering how Sebastian would look with a red tailcoat XD I bet he would look sexy.
Sebastian: But of course. I look sexy in practically anything. *Leers*
Me: *Shivers* ^_^U Yeahh...
Grell: How come you give this trash sexy eyes, but not me? You shall die today human!
Me: NO! Not the chainsaw, not the chainsaw! Nuuuu!!!! *runs away* You can keep him! *faintly*
Grell: *Smirks* That's much better!
Sebastian: *Pouts* You scared my kitty away.
Grell: You can play all you want with me Sebas-chan!
Sebastian: Egh... No, thank you.
Indeed, nemy, you look so cute!! *gives a hug*
Now that Sebastien like it, why don't you try make him promise not to eat you? *wink* Don't tell him it's my idea though...^^
Me: Sebastian, don't eat me!!! I'll be your kitty...Er... Forever? *whispers* should I have said that?
Sebastian: *shows a collar* Put it on.
Me: T.T Yes... *puts it on*
Sebastian: Is not yes, is meow.
Me: ... Meow?
Sebastian: Good kitty. *opens arms* Now come into my arms...
Me: O.O *shivers* Meeeoooooowwww T^T (there goes my virtue...)
You really SHOULDN'T said that! Poor nemy...*sob*
Sebastien: At least I don't kill her. *smirk*
Me: I know...but still...
Sebastien: Humans never grateful, aren't they?
Me: Meow! T^T *starts walking towards Sebastian*
Sebastian: There's a good kitty.
Ciel: Sebastian! You know I am allergic to those things.
Me: *stops* Meow.. (THANKS GOD)
Sebastian: I have taken you in consideration Bocchan. I will make sure that this kitty does no affect your health, and neither affects our daily schedule.
Me: Meow? (am I going to be chained now?)
Ciel: You care more about the schedule than you do about my health, don't you Sebastian.
Sebastian: *smirks* Bocchan, I will take care of you (and your soul) until your last dying breath. You know that.
Me: ... (sounds more like a curse) ... MEOW! (Yoite!)
Ciel: Tch... Great, now the second cat has appeared.
Yoite: I am NOT a cat.
Me: Meow? o.O
Yoite: I am NOT a cat.
hahahaha!! You have no idea how hard I laugh reading this...
*back to the situation*
Me: Of course, he's human. Nemy's human too...Sebastien, no matter how much you like cats it's impossible for humans to be the same as see, the difference between human and cats is a LOT and...*starts a somewhat lecture to Sebastien -I learned Biology in college before shifting to computer in university*
Sebastien: You're annoying.
Me: *froze*
Sebastien: *smirk*
Me: *Turns to Ciel* Make him stop!
Ciel: Stop what?
Me: *sob*
Me: Pssssh! Heiji! You have a dead wish? You are contradicting Sebastian here! For all we know, he likes cats better than humans! Humans for him are FOOD!
Sebastian: That's right.
Me: *kitty eyes* Meow?
Sebastian: *smirks* Because Nemy here is degrading herself so pathetically, I'll let this go for now. She is right though. Cats are far superior beings than humans in my respect.
Ciel: *glares*
Sebastian: I believe is time to part now. I will take the cats with me.
Me: O_O
Miharu: *grabs Yoite* Yoite is my cat.
Yoite: -_- Oh, not you too Miharu.
Me: O____O
Sebastian: *leers* So be it. Nemy?
Me: T^T
Me: You're right, Nemy...I wasn't thinking at that time...
Common sense: When have ever you did think?
Me: Shut up!
Sebastien: *smirk* You should thank my cute kitty, then.
Me: You don't have to remind me! Nemy...thanks...*sob*
Sebastien: *grins and takes Nemy away*
Me: her...please...? You don't want to be a understand it the best, no?
Miharu: I would say that if you want Sebastian to get rid of Nemy, you should conspire with Ciel. He didn't look too happy at the idea of having a cat.
Yoite: She is not a cat though.
Miharu: Whatever. Maybe coming up with an idea of getting a voodoo doll, or get the cat to be so annoying even Sebastian wouldn't want her.
Yoite: She is not a cat.
Miharu: *hugs Yoite* Of course she isn't *devil wings*
Grell: *appears out of nowhere* I propose we decorate her a beautiful color red with my chain-saw! It would improve her looks a great deal.
Yoite: And how does that solve the problem?
Grell: ... It will make me feel infinitely better.
Miharu: Ciel looked kinda jealous though...
Grell: He wouldn't! Oh no he wont! Sebas-chan is mine!
Yoite: Nemy is so dead.
Me: Now that you mention it, Miharu, indeed, Ciel have this sort of a funny look when Sebastien is hanging around with Nemy...hmm~
Ciel: Did you just say my name?
Me: Yup! I was thinking...well...actually Miharu is the one who realize this...
Miharu: It's damn obvious, really.
Me: Are you somewhat jealous of Nemy, Ciel?
Ciel: What? No..*blushes* I'm not jealous!
Me and Miharu: That's freaking obvious that you are.
Yoite: *nods*
Me: See! Even Yoite agrees! Wait, where's Grell?
*sounds of chain-saw faintly at the background*
Me: Grell, no, wait!!!!
Yoite: Nemy is so dead.
Me: *runs* NO Grell! I am not trying to take Sebastian away from you, believe me!!!
Grell: Don't move little thing. This won't hurt much.
Me: AAHH! Sebastian! Help me!
Sebastian: This is very entertaining.
Grell: Here I go!
Me: Ah! Wait! Ciel is the real menace you know!
Grell: What?
Sebastian: What?
Me: Think about it! Sebastian has to follow EVERY SINGLE ORDER with no restrictions. And you know, Sebastian is his butler. He has access to him even in the most private matters!
Sebastian: *glares*
Grell: Now that I think about it...
Me: *runs* HELP! Now I have a demon and a shinigami after meeeeeeee!
Me: *runs* NEMY!!!! *pant* Damn I'm tired...
Sebastien: You shouldn't have been bothered, really. I mean, isn't she your enemy?
Me: My WHAT??!
Sebastien: Both of you likes Yoite, so if she's gone there's less contender, no?
Me:....No! Nemy's my friend! I won't betray her!
Sebastien: You're hesitating.
Me: NO!
Sebastien: Yes, you are.
Me: Damn it, I told you I'm not...NEMY!!! Grell, cut it off!!
Grell: *pouts* Why not~
Me: Damn it, you chase her away from Sebastien, and now he's free don't you think you should grab him away before somebody else did?
Sebastien: *glares*
Grell: *drops his chain-saw* Sebas-chan~~
Ciel: Sebastien, where's my dinner?
Sebastien: Pardon me, Bocchan. I shall prepare it straight away.
Grell: *grabs his chain-saw and glares at Ciel*
Me: *runs off away with Nemy*
Miharu: Now THIS is interesting.
Me: Miharu just wants blood...
Grell: Oh? Then I shall give him some Earl's blood!
Ciel; Tch, you are annoying. Sebastian? Before my dinner, get rid of these disturbances.
Sebastian: Understood.
Me: Er.. Heiji? Do you think we are also a disturbance? I am scared...
Grell: Oh Sebas-chan! Where are you touching me... Are? What are you doing? Sebas-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn..... *disappears in the sky*
Me: OMG, you do that and I die O_o
Miharu: This is so interesting to watch.
Ciel: *smirks* Definitely.
Sebastian: Come here kitty. You are disturbing Bocchan.
Me: Mouuuu! T^T *faints*
Sebastian: Oh well, makes my job faster. Now I only chain her to the outside of the mansion, and she is good for today.
Ciel: Are you planning to leave her outside?!
Sebastian: She might cause more disturbance inside, Bocchan.
Ciel: But she ruins the aesthetics of the mansion. I don't want her outside. Just give her a room with the other workers.
Sebastian: Yes, my Lord-o.
Miharu: *smirks* You just don't want to admit that you have a heart Ciel.
Ciel: *glares* Shut up.
Sebastien: *looks at me*
Miharu and Ciel: *stares*
Me: What?
Ciel: Sebastien.
Sebastien: Yes, my lord-o.
Me: It's ok, I can walk.Just show me the way.
Ciel: *points at the door and smirks*
Me: Outside?
Ciel: Uh-huh.
Me: Miharu, you better take back your words, this fella ain't got no heart whatsoever.
Miharu: What's with the weird accent?
Me: I'm depressed, that's all. Fine, I'm leaving. But I'll come to visit Nemy from time to time...
Nemy: Meow!!
Ciel: Why so emo?
Me: Dunno~ *sigh* Like I'll tell you..
Ciel: Like I really care.
Me: I know. *walks out*
Ciel: *blinks and keep staring at door* Really, what's with that girl? *mumbles*
Miharu: I won't take my word back, really...
Me: Mooowww something is wrong with Heiji T^T *sniff*
Sebastian: *takes chains* Come now kitty.
Me: *draggged by the chain* I can walk! I can walk, Icanwalkicanwaaaaalk!!
Ciel: *stares at Miharu*
Miharu: *stares at Ciel*
Ciel: What are you doing here?
Miharu: I know Yoite is being kept here. I want him back.
Ciel: And suppose you won't leave until you get him.
Miharu: You suppose right.
Ciel: Tsk... It wouldn't be the first time Sebastian has done this. It will be difficult to take this Yoite out of his grasp.
Miharu: Take your time. I have aaaaaall day....
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