I don't really know why I am posting this. It is kind of embarrassing XD but I'll still do it anyway.
I was going through google searching for new pictures of Nabari no Ou. The reason why I do this is that the mangaka refuses to make more drawings of Nabari no Ou not related to the story-line. I mean those where the mangaka uses their same characters, but kinda cosplay them in a different time-setting, or AU world, or something else. Kinda like this:

Which makes me think immediately of Kuroshitsuji.
Me: Do not even think about it Sebastian.
Sebastian: Tche...
Another reason is that manga fox (where I read my online FREE manga) has not updated the new monthly version of the manga. I kind of know what it is about, but for some reason it hasn't been posted yet. Very frustrating seeing that WE ARE AT THE CLIMAX OF THE STORY FOR GOD SAKE. GIVE IT TO ME NOOOOOW!!!
So I searched in image google for more Yoite pictures. There are some fanarts there? Very cool, I would totally recommend them. Though for some reason people still tend to forget that Yoite cannot... Be... Nor ever will be... A top.
Yoite: Why not?
Me: I would tell, but you are already pointing a finger towards me.
Miharu: But I still want to know!
Me: You just want me dead, do you?
Miharu: ... No.
Me: Right...
Turns out suddenly out of nowhere I see my picture posted on google under the name of Yoite (fortunately I am not the only one. Other people also cosplay as Yoite). I was so surprised and embarrassed. I almost eliminate my pictures from all the places I have posted them, so I don't get to see them again in google. OMG! How embarrassing! >.<
But don't worry. I didn't erase them.
It also turns out that by the end of this post, Manga Fox posted the new update of Nabari no Ou. Me all excited about, I went to read it immediately. Only to see that is something (at least for me) completely unnecessary to the story. What do I care about Miharu's parents (sorry Miharu, no mean to hurt)? Or Shiratama? Or is it Miharu still in that deep reflection state about forgetting important people? What does this have to do with the story!!!
Is like they are trying to build us up and up with the climax, by NOT taking us to the climax. Just continue on with the story for god sake! Try extracting the fricking Shinra Banshou now, and leave Miharu aloooone! >.<
As you can see (by my very expressive comments) this month has not been so good for me. Lot's of depression, disappointment and bad things going on. Hopefully things will start looking better for us soon. Neh?
Thanks for reading! See you all soon!
The moment I'm writing this I just finish reading the latest chapter of Nabari in Mangafox and guess what, my reaction is just like yours...kind of disappointing really...I mean, we've been waiting for a freaking a month and that's it? Oh dear...still to be able to at least read something came me down a bit...my other favorite mangas are all in somewhat hiatus I feel like going crazy...*sigh*
Oh I know exactly what you mean. A lot of my favorite wants are also in hiatus or taking forever to bring them here. I am like T^T at least NnO and KS they bring them monthly, but wow what a disappointment NnO was... I don't care about Miharu's parents, bring me Yoite and I would be happy again XD
Indeed3x!! I hope that all this about the parents do make sense somehow in the future...*sigh*
Right? And here I thought that Miharu's dad was not a ninja... Seeing how he died... So pathetically... In the anime...
Yeah...he's a bit..weak? Perhaps? *sigh*
Weak? I would say more like a pussy (no offense to anybody). He certainly didn't put up a fight!
And what's all that great about talking to animals anyway? He is not using it to his advantage anyway! Or didn't, sorry... His mom is cool though. Me like her. Except that weird tendency of letting Thobari into their family. I mean, I know they are friends and all, but at that age you know when someone has a crush on you. Wouldn't that make things awkward?
Yeah! His mom...Asahi, no? I think she's indeed cool...and perhaps cool enough to make Thobari suffer...I mean, perhaps she knew but just ignore it as Thobari is quite young at that time...? Don't know...just guessing...hahaha!
You can ignore it, but is still there. And is still awkward... Miharu even was calling Thobari Onii-chan XD
Yeah! Well...either it's a mistake from the start or she's just one hell of a dense woman...hahaha!
Oh maybe is to lift her ego. Who doesn't want the flirting comments of someone who likes you? XD
Hey, that may be true! Hehe~ it's quite fitting perhaps...^^
You think so? o_O
Yeah! Can't came up with other explanation after all...
Asahi is weird...
100% weird...
I don't know if the flashbacks of Thobari will make me really happy. I kinda like how they displayed Miharu's mom on the anime. Like you didn't know her a lot, but enough to know that she really cared about Miharu. And had a fling with Thobari XD
Yeah! That gives her character somewhat a 'mystery' feeling and makes her cooler...
Something are better left unsaid~
AND OH MY GOD. Why is the update taking so fricking loooong! The new chapter of Kuroshitsuji already came up! Why!!! WHY!!!!!
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