I guess this post is going to be a quicky one... so...
I finally found the gloooooooves! It was so unexpected that I am pretty sure I stared at the gloves for like a minute without moving. A friend got worried thinking that I fell asleep with my eyes open or something. Then I threw myself to the wall (yes, I actually did), and got the gloves as soon as possible. To discover them so cheap as for 3 dollars was a big bonus for me...
Here is a small picture to show them to you all. My god, that I got them my size and in the right color. Me so lucky!

My next challenge of course its going to be the color contact lenses and the scar tissue. Yes, I getting the whole set for the perfect Yoite cosplay!
Anyway! In another news! I GOT THE DVD OF KUROSHITSUJI!!! Yes, it is sent from Malaysia, but who cares? It's miiiiiiiineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Me: *hugs Sebastian*
Sebastian: *glares*
Me: Meep! Don't kill me! *runs away*
Common Sence: Have you gotten the DVD's for Nabari no Ou?
Me: Are you kidding me? That set is like for 50 bucks! Those people are thieves for putting half the season for 50 bucks! A whole season of Kyo Kara Maoh is less than that!
CS: But this is Nabari no Ou.
Me: Well... Yeah...
CS: And you want to hear Yoite's voice in English.
Me: No. I want to hear Yoite's voice in English to complain how bad it is for Yoite.
CS: Then why didn't you get it?
Me: *pokes fingers* I am kinda waiting for the whole season together...
CS: And pathetically sigh when passing by it in the store.
Me: *points finger*...... DANG. I wish I knew Kira...
That is for now guys! See ya soon!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's AWESOME!!!! YOITE~~~ -how many times do I have to die today??- LOL
Congratulations for the DVD! Wait..did you just say MALAYSIA?? How? Why? Tell me how you get it!!!!!!
*FYI I'm a Malaysian myself*
Is it cheap?? I..kind of broke..T_T *sigh*
Just a quick quote to help you win your CS:
-money do not fall from the sky nor did it can be pluck from the trees-heijihatsutori
Made it up myself...hahaha!! ^^
I'm glad you liked the picture! I took it kind of quick (putting on a black sweater and stuff) because I just wanted to take picture of the gloves XD Must admit that I do iron my hair and wear the hat whenever I go out. It's so good to be Yoite XD
Really? What a great coincidence! I found it on ebay for 24 bucks (there are some who sell it for 53 though). I just checked right now, and you can still find some dvds being sold there.
You cannot imagine how many things they are selling of Kuroshitsuji! But of Nabari no Ou? Almost nothing T^T
Of course I do! It's...so...*lost for words*
Oh~ *going off to check for it*
Indeed! Nabari no Ou is such a good story *found a critic giving it 4/5 stars* but somehow not many seem to be aware of it...T_T
Oh! You like me picture! Yay!!! This weekend I go to perfect again my hairstyle ^0^
Me: See Yoite? I can almost cosplay you!
Yoite: Is still disturbing.
Miharu: And you still won't ever be as perfect as Yoite.
Me: Meep T^T Nobody loves me. What do you think Sebastian?
Sebastian: ...
Me: Sebastian?
Sebastian: Put on the ears and the collar, and I might considerate not eating your soul.
Me: DONE! *puts them on immediately*
Miharu: You have no pride as a human being.
Me: Not at all! ^_^ Yoite? Can I be your pet?
Miharu and Yoite: No.
yeah..dropping by from my friend's blog list : heiji-san
hope u dont mind..xD
well, wow, you really like the real Yoite in the picture..
well,nice to know you!
p/s : i'm linking your blog to mine..hope you don't mind..xD
Haha~ Don't bother with pride or whatever...survival is ESSENTIAL!! hehe~
Kimmy! Kind of shocked to find you here..anyway, welcome to the club! ^^
Yes! Welcome to the... Er.. Club? I guess? It is always nice to have new people in my blog. Makes me happy, and want to hug Yoite tightly *hugs Yoite*.
Thanks for your comment on your picture! I am really giving my all to look just like Yoite ^0^
Just for future reference. I might one day buy the cat-ears (seeing that halloween is coming and all), and take a picture to see how it would look XD
Yeah! Nabari and Kuroshitsuji Lovers Club!! Oya3x!!
I want to hug him too! *hugs Yoite*
Nemy, please do! Going to look forward for it!! ^^
hihihi..i guess there is some (i think) of the Nabari No Ou and Kuroshitsuji Lovers Club has already exist...
You mean we are not the only one? 0.0 J/K...
*Glomps Yoite* So what do you think? Cat-ears and take a picture together Yoite?
Sebastian: YES!
Me and Yoite:...
Me: Maybe I'll wait when Sebasian is busy with Ciel...
Sebastian: No! You can't do that!
Me: Watch me...
Yoite:... *Walks away*
I don't really mind whether we are the only one or not...for the love should be spread to the whole entire world!! ^^
Me: Sebastien, it's rare for you to be so excited...that's...cute!! ^^
Sebastien: *blush a bit and glares*
Me: Don't worry...I know the feeling...hey! Why don't we just grab those two and MAKE THEM take the pictures? Kimmy, come and help! ^^
Sebastien: YES!!!
Me: *wink*
Me: Meep! Yoite we should run! *looks around to see that Yoite already fled* Dammit! >.< *runs away* HHHHEEEEEEeeeellllppp.....
Miharu: *raises hand* I'll help catching *cough*andtorturing*cough* Nemy! *runs*
Yeah!! Miharu, let's go get 'em! ^^
TT^TT I don't want to die!!!!
Don't worry...we won't kill you..right, guys?
Miharu & Sebastien:....
Me: Er..guys...?
*still no reaction*
Me: Oh well, just get them first! ^^
Me: *Hides between buildings* Perfect! This is the perfect hiding place ^.^ *looks to her left and finds Yoite next to her*
Yoite: ...
Me: Don't tell me...
Yoite: *Nods*
Me: Dammit >.< Now Miharu knows where we are! Oh well, if I'm going to die *hugs Yoite* might as well have good last memories before I go.
Me: I'm sure I saw her somewhere here...
Me: FOUND YOU!! *grins*
Me: O_O Meep! Don't tell them were we are! I'll share Yoite with you for your silence!
Yoite: ...
Me: *sad kitty face*
Oho~ Are you really sharing him? Really? Really?
I think about it...*grins*
Me: Really! See? Yoite is letting him/herself be hugged.... Or could be sleeping.
Yoite: zzz
Me: We should take opportunity of this! Who knows when he/she will wake up, and ran away again.
You're right! Let's hug him/her! ^^
Yoite: Zzzz~~
Me: I'm...*yawn* tired...Zzzz~
Me: *snuggles Yoite* Mmm... You should take a shower more often... And change clothes. Zzz...
Miharu: *glares* Found you...
Me: *Wakes up with a start* Oh, hi Miharu! *yawn*
Miharu: GET. OFF. HIM. NOW.
Me: Sure. *walks casually away*
Miharu: *glares*
Me: Now go in.
Miharu: ?
Me: This is rare oppurtunity even to you, no? Go and snuggle up to him. I bet he's not going to awake for now.
Miharu:...*goes off closer and snuggles up to Yoite, oblivious to Nemy at the other end* zzzzzzz
Me: Must be tired, so cute~ *takes pictures*
Sebastien: I swear I heard voices just now...
Me: *runs away*
Me: *mumbles* No, I don't have 1125 mangas in my room, go away... zzzz.... Heh? *opens eyes and sees Sebastian's face ultra-close* AH-
Sebastian: *covers mouth* Shhh... You will wake them.
Me: *nods*
Sebastian: come with me. Let's leave the two love-birds alone.
Me: *nods* T.T
Sebastian: You have been a bad kitty. Fortunately I am in a good mood, and it so happens that I just gotten a couple of new costumes for you.
Me: Meow? O_O
Sebastian: *leers* we are going to have fun...
Me: T^T
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