I never thought it would take me a whoooooole year to post my pictures from my first con... Which happened... On June 2010 (epic fail right here folks).
These are pictures that I took from a Black Butler Photoshoot that happened at OMG2010. The people were crazy and really funny to hand around (if only for the photoshoot *foreveralone*). The cosplay was amazing, and I was crazily taking pictures of everything that was happening there XD
I hope you all like them! Here they are...

This is a group picture. I keep laughing at the face Ciel (in the dress) was giving to Sebastian. Kind of like "I am about to be raepd!!!"
The Grell on the right was an awesome cosplayer. She did the voice perfectly, and really was able to captivate how Grell is with Sebastian (really, like, sometimes TOO much....)
Wonderland Ciel is about to be eaten in this picture, can you tell?

Sebastian/Sebastian pairing? I know he likes himself and all, but this is quite narcissistic of him. But then, he is a demon. You never know with demons nowadays...

Glomping Grell. What did I tell you? She took her character really seriously...

The corset scene all over again... With the adition of Grell of course.

I loved the cosplay of the Undertaker. So I had to put one solo of him. It was really well done, and I loved it.
Kinda suiting... In a very, very twisted, never happening, who would ever think it, kind of way...
Seriously, this pose is very, very manly. Do you all agree with me? XD
I hope I get to post pictures soon of this convention, and the convention I went afterwards... Just keep your fingers crossed, and hope I don't forget it... It tends to... Slip my mind it seems... For months...
Have a nice day!
Ja ne
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