People crack me up sometimes...

Oh gosh, I wish I had a shark hat to go with Sharky XD

Here is when the real Yoite appeared, and, of course, had a major break down of his/her existence...
Nah, just kidding. But don't I wish that...? XD

I take it this pet really liked us...

Thumbs up for all those who love dressing up Ciel and Sebastian in TinierMe!

This is both:
and a FAIL XD

Yeah, TinierMe also is having a lot of fun dressing up the characters from Durarara...
Yeah, I really need to keep taking pictures of all the craziness that happens there. It is amazing what comes across other people's minds sometimes...
Okay, I am done with my rambling... Have a nice day!
Ja ne
Maidenolivia from TM. </3 We'll miss you, try to come visit once in a while.
Thank you sister. I will be missing you all too very much.
Uwaaaah!! Dx We're gonna miss you so much on TM!!!! *squeezes you* >~<
[btw it's Miharu XD]
*huggles back*
You know you can always reach me through here =w= I want to say goodbye to you personally on TM, so if you have the chance, please meet me there =w=
Thank goodness you have a blog. |D
Papa needs to keep an eye on you.
Pfff You, keeping an eye on me? <w<
More like I have to keep an eye on you, so that I actually do come to be! How is Mama doing by the way? Still expecting? 83
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