Okay, so I got tired of not dressing up, and decided to cosplay Yoite with some clothes put together to make it look a little like they come from the Victorian era...
Kind of weird how some touches here and there from normal clothes and cosplay clothes make such a difference in the image you want to portray XD
Oh! I almost forgot. I am on my way of getting this beautiful (absolutely beauuuuutiful!) Victorian coat, hopefully a little before my con coming on August. If I do get it with enough time before the con, I will try to take pictures as soon as I can. Otherwise we will have to wait until the con has passed, things have settled down, and I am ready to take pictures again XD
Now, unto our pictures!

A little close up (that is as much close up you might ever get from me. Considering my very low-self esteem and dislike for my face XD) of my... What? Made up, cosplay? I suppose...
I am using a normal vest, jacket, pants. The shirt, boots, gloves, corset, bow, and hat come from my cosplay clothes. Like I said, a little touch here and there, and your normal clothes look like from a different point in time! XD

Position hurt like you have no idea, but I wanted a photo with my boots, darnit! I looooove this boots. Too bad I don't have a lot of cosplays to use this boots with, but hopefully soon enough I will! (Y U NO HERE COAT!)

A pose with a little less... Flair I suppose... I kind of like it. Too bad the light that day absolutely sucked... I really need to get those... Things that the photographers use to get good lighting effect. Is a MUST.

And an overview of my made up cosplay! It might be something I use for the con that is coming up for me in August. That is, if my victorian coat does not arrive by then (*crossing fingers*). If it does, then I will switch the wig for my Ciel wig, and use this to cosplay Ciel XD. Shorts are a big no, no for me...
And this is all for today! Gosh, I miss those days when I had something of importance to say about Nabari. I think I will start digging up here and there, to see if there is something new to tell about this wonderful series... If not, then I will continue on on keeping it alive! Nabari no Ou FTW! Mm... I do probably need to lower down on the sugar now...
Anyway, have a nice day everybody! I'll see you all soon!
Ja ne
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