And we have reached the last episode! *sobs* No more episodes after this one T^T (unless you want to pull a Kuroshitsuji here).
Maybe after this I will move to the manga and... Superimpose on the conversations to change the quest to Miharu's eternal search for the perfect boyfriend XD
And cry when Yoite dies... AGAIN.
These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind.
Now, unto episode #26!

You might wonder that Yoite, but let me tell you that you are the most beautiful zombie that there has EVER been. For you, I will gladly give you my brain... And be a zombie with you foreva XD
By the way Yoite... It wouldn't be a zombie if it WASN'T walking... A dead corpse is a dead corpse until it starts moving.

Its affirmative! The Shinra Banshou is a total yaoi fangirl who digs Miharu/Yoite XD
Think about it! She has front seat for EVERYTHING THAT THEY DO. Me and the normal yaoi fangirls, would kill/die/squeal/faint/giggle/nosebleed to have such position T^T

I believe that the only woman I like in ANY anime/manga world is Hanabusa-san. At the same time I hate her, because I am totally jealous that she had Yoite in her house.
Lucky bitch...

Mark my words. I WILL BURN YOUR BOOKS.
I love books, but those books I will gladly shrew them and burn them to ASHES.
This promise I make to myself.

I don't know about you, but this image was for me more adorable than the baby. Even the baby would coo at seeing such adorableness.
Baby: *blushes*
See what I mean?

Okay, so this the the FATHER? They look NOTHING alike! Wouldn't it suck that suddenly is found that Yoite was adopted? All that trauma for nothing...
Or maybe they got the babies mix up at the hospital...

AAAWWWWWWWWW I want to take you home, and keep you forever!!! By the way Miharu, what was that about Yoite being your important friend? Who are you trying to kid?
Miharu: Well. I didn't want for Yoite to start suddenly running, because he couldn't take the truth.
Yoite: The truth? Am I not your friend?
Miharu: Er... No, Yoite. You are more than that.
Yoite: That's what you said. Important friend.
Miharu: ...
Me: ... He is not getting it...
Miharu: ... More than that Yoite.
Yoite: And what would that be?
Me: *pats Miharu's shoulder* Good luck.

We all KNOW that Yoite is dying (practically said it in every single episode!), and that he has not a lot of time left! You could have just left us that he had a nice time with Miharu, and that at one point he died. The end!
But nooooo. You made us suffer seeing how he DIES, and Miharu is shocked that Yoite has disappeared completely! And Miharu? Shame on you! Not even a tear? I would be crying my EYES OUT!
Miharu: My manga version does that enough for me already.
Me: *gasp* You have no heart! You-
Miharu: Quiet! I need to learn alchemy now.
Me: ... Huh?
Miharu: To bring Yoite back from the dead.
Miharu: Didn't see Fullmetal Alchemist?
Me: ......... Oh!
Miharu: Exactly.