And we have reached the last episode! *sobs* No more episodes after this one T^T (unless you want to pull a Kuroshitsuji here).
Maybe after this I will move to the manga and... Superimpose on the conversations to change the quest to Miharu's eternal search for the perfect boyfriend XD
And cry when Yoite dies... AGAIN.
These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind.
Now, unto episode #26!

You might wonder that Yoite, but let me tell you that you are the most beautiful zombie that there has EVER been. For you, I will gladly give you my brain... And be a zombie with you foreva XD
By the way Yoite... It wouldn't be a zombie if it WASN'T walking... A dead corpse is a dead corpse until it starts moving.

Its affirmative! The Shinra Banshou is a total yaoi fangirl who digs Miharu/Yoite XD
Think about it! She has front seat for EVERYTHING THAT THEY DO. Me and the normal yaoi fangirls, would kill/die/squeal/faint/giggle/nosebleed to have such position T^T

I believe that the only woman I like in ANY anime/manga world is Hanabusa-san. At the same time I hate her, because I am totally jealous that she had Yoite in her house.
Lucky bitch...

Mark my words. I WILL BURN YOUR BOOKS.
I love books, but those books I will gladly shrew them and burn them to ASHES.
This promise I make to myself.

I don't know about you, but this image was for me more adorable than the baby. Even the baby would coo at seeing such adorableness.
Baby: *blushes*
See what I mean?

Okay, so this the the FATHER? They look NOTHING alike! Wouldn't it suck that suddenly is found that Yoite was adopted? All that trauma for nothing...
Or maybe they got the babies mix up at the hospital...

AAAWWWWWWWWW I want to take you home, and keep you forever!!! By the way Miharu, what was that about Yoite being your important friend? Who are you trying to kid?
Miharu: Well. I didn't want for Yoite to start suddenly running, because he couldn't take the truth.
Yoite: The truth? Am I not your friend?
Miharu: Er... No, Yoite. You are more than that.
Yoite: That's what you said. Important friend.
Miharu: ...
Me: ... He is not getting it...
Miharu: ... More than that Yoite.
Yoite: And what would that be?
Me: *pats Miharu's shoulder* Good luck.

We all KNOW that Yoite is dying (practically said it in every single episode!), and that he has not a lot of time left! You could have just left us that he had a nice time with Miharu, and that at one point he died. The end!
But nooooo. You made us suffer seeing how he DIES, and Miharu is shocked that Yoite has disappeared completely! And Miharu? Shame on you! Not even a tear? I would be crying my EYES OUT!
Miharu: My manga version does that enough for me already.
Me: *gasp* You have no heart! You-
Miharu: Quiet! I need to learn alchemy now.
Me: ... Huh?
Miharu: To bring Yoite back from the dead.
Miharu: Didn't see Fullmetal Alchemist?
Me: ......... Oh!
Miharu: Exactly.
Miharu, go and learn alchemy! haha~ You always know how to make my day...thanks for the post! I never will be able to put FMA in connection with this..
It just came up suddenly *hangs HUGE book to Miharu*
Me: Come on Miharu! LEARN! LEARN!
Miharu: I'm learning! Don't rush me! Or else we would have Yoite as homunculus!
Me: o_O Now that would be scary... And sexy.
Miharu: Shut up! Or I'll offer you as sacrifice.
Me: T^T meeeeeeeep.
*Going over to comfort nemy*
Me: Miharu, don't be so cruel! We all love Yoite right?
Miharu: He's MINE, mind you. *gives off a death glare*
Me: T_T *goes off crying with nemy, can't help it*
*sobs* at least we will have Yoite back *sniff* T^T
I will gladly offer Miharu everything of mine to have Yoite back.
Sebastian: Except your soul that is mine.
Me: Do I have anything of myself that still belongs to me? T^T *sniff*
*Still comforting nemy*
Me: *sigh* even Sebastian is cruel..
Sebastien: She owes me onw, mind you.
Me: Don't worry...everyhting's going to be alright, nemy..
*cries T_T*
Me: *sniff* Just you wait Sebastian. I will have my revenge with the new demon that is coming *sobs*
Sebastian: ... You are bringing a new demon?
Me: And a Tengu too T^T
Sebastian: You realize that you are only making more enemies this way.
Me: T.T At least I will die interestingly.
No, nemy...don't die!!!! *sniff*
Me: No yes! At least I'll see Yoite this way in the next life!!! T^T
Sebastian: No, you won't.
Me: ... Er... Why not?
Sebastian: I would have eaten your soul. There will be no next life.
Me: Meeeeep! Now that I think about it. I don't want to die after all ^0^U
*sigh* that's one hell of life you're living, nemy...
Sebastien: Serves her right.
Me: You evil!
Sebastien: *glares and gives off the infamous smirk*
Me: *shivers and runs away*
Actually if I think about it, I would make a pretty good manga of my life ^_^UUU Is not like I look for trouble or anything, but I do tend to attract the strangers people... It would have shounen, shounen-ai, shoujo, shoujo-ai, shota, drama, angst, etc...etc...
My goodness, how did my parents put up with me? XD
Err...don't you think there's QUITE a lot of genre there?? haha! Though I will be glad to read the manga!! ^^
Don't worry....I wonder the same thing about my parents too...^^ Maybe we are just some nice kids, right? haha!!
Me too but believe that there is a little of everything in there. I guess that is life for ya o_O
We are those nice kids that can hide any misdemeanor behind a pretty smile *smiles*
Yeah, life is nothing but extraordinary...oya3x!!
Indeed, couldn't agree more! *smiles"
I felt a Sebastian smile there XD
You just know how to read me, huh? ^^ *smiles*
O.O I do better the Miharu's I-did-nothing-wrong! smile *smiles* with the bat wings in the back XD
Hmm...? Then I guess I'm better in smirking then...*smirk like sebastien*
Sebastien: *glance*
Oh Oh! Yoite! Do your sexy glance.
Yoite: I do NOT have a sexy glance.
Miharu and Me: Yes you do.
Yoite: ...
Me: See! You are doing it!
Miharu: *blushes* Yoite...
Yoite: Miharu...
Me: *faints*
Me: Yoite, you're GOOD! ^^
Miharu: Of course, he's MY Yoite after all...
Me: Can you do it again, please2x??
Yoite: *glares*
Me: *faints*
We are just a pair of suckers for Yoite XD
Can't agree more..^^
In other words, he didn't really have the need to learn Kira, seeing that everybody faints at his beautifulness. I would have used that instead of my ki/chi XD
Yes!!!! Pity he didn't realize this sooner..*sigh* But then again, we just love him for he are..I guess..XD
A dying pretty emo kid?
A pretty emo kid...*want to scratch the word 'dying' so badly...*
It shall be done! *scratches out the dying part* there! Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that Yoite died *cries* Moowwww... WHYYYYYY!!!! Come back!
Indeed! Yoite~~~ *goes off crying with Nemy*
What do you think? Do you think Yoite will come back? It's too good of a character to NOT come back, don't you think so?
Oh~ I'll dance all the way down if he really come back! The manga-ka really have some nerve to kill him off at the first place (it is kind of unlikely if he survives but still...) and she must be (I hope) pretty confident that it'll be alright with him gone...oh I don't know anymore...T_T
It'll be extremely great if he did come back much as I hate myself for thinking logically *kills self* I..don't think he might come back...ARGHHH!!!!!! No, he will!!! *hoping*
What do you think then?
What did you say! How dare you say he/she won't come back! T^T *hugs Yoite* I won't share him/her with you anymore! T.T
Well I do believe Yoite will appear again, like Asahi did in the Shinra Banshou in the anime version? OMG I honestly hope to god that he does make another appearance. Why create such a great character, and kill it? Pretty much the anime was all about himself XD
And we all know the manga is too! The Shinra Banshou was only to make things interesting XD
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