Square-Enix alright... This makes me think A LOT of Final Fantasy...
I really believe that this mangaka Yana Toboso likes (or rather) loves to play with her characters. And who wouldn't really when is wonderful Sebastian and the cute cute cute Ciel? Really... Her homosexual implications, cross-dressing tendencies (she loves putting Ciel on dresses), and the character cosplay are just signs that she is really having a wonderful time.
I am sorry to imply that the mangaka is female. If not, please correct me...
I was surfing through the images the other day, and you just LAUGH at the different images that you find both from the manga and anime version of this series. What attracted me a lot of this story-line was the Faustian factor of a child making a contract with a demon for x and y reason. I study crypto-zoology myself, so I have read a lot of folklore on demons from around the world and such. When I first saw this anime/manga, the first thing I did was laugh.
And I laughed... A lot. Yes I am creepy, and yes the story is rather dark. Sorry, I still laughed.
To see a demon degrade himself to what Sebastian was dragged into? Hilarious! (Specially more in the manga). A demon complaining... How FUNNY! And that is all it took for me to love the series.
So the images! Here I shall share some of the images that I found to prove all the fun that the mangaka has had with Kuroshitsuji. (My god, the jealousy consumes me! XD)
1. Homosexual implications

Who has forgotten the scene of the corset? I was so shocked, that, after I found out the truth, I had to stop the anime, laugh for 20 minutes, and continue on. Yes, it was that funny for me.

Pink... *snorts* What Sebastian business to take Ciel's hand you suppose? *gasp*

2. Cross-Dressing Tendencies

This I wanted to put in the cosplay category... But not knowing where all my Ciel in a dress' pictures ended up in, I had to put this one. Ciel is, once again, in a dress... And... Tights... Ciel got wonderful legs I guess XD

College/High/Junior High school? AWESOME. Oh! The many ideas and plots bunnies *teary eyes*. Okay... NOSE-BLEEDING ALERT!

Pff.... HAHAHAAHAHAAAAHAA.... OMG NOSE-BLEEDING ALERT! (those pants and chains...)

How sexy! Asian style clothes! OMG. At least now we know that in that story-line, it would have worked just fiiiiineeeeee. And also now is also a must-be-fic.
AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... Damn Sebastian for looking good in practically ANYTHING! (... or nothing, nuuu nose-bleeding alert!)

Shock! Sebasian is not here! Yet Ciel looks adorable in Indian clothes awww!!! Sohma doesn't look bad either (though it takes a while to like the guy XD).
And that's it for now. With this images it gave me an idea of making a special Kuroshitsuji layout for Halloween! I would have done a Nabari no Ou, but they don't have THEIR characters in a costume (can you imagine? Yoite in a cat costume? ^0^).
Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! Sorry for making this so long, but I believe is totally worth it.
See ya!
Taking ALL the pictures....so cute~~~~
Nuu!! They are mine, mine!!! Sebastian in tight pants are miiiiineeeeee (and samurai, and college uniform, and...)
Miharu: Then you don't want Yoite anymore?
Me: ...
Yoite: ...
Miharu: ...?
Me: *Takes Yoite and runs away*
Miharu: DAMN YOU!
Well...it is indeed hard to choose between the two..haha!
Are you kidding me? I have like twenty I can't choose from, because each one is as special as the other T^T *sniff*, so I just have one BIG harem of GORGEOUS boys XD
Well...because I could not choose between the whole LOT I just take them all!! Haha~
Not if I already have them! *runs away with her Harem* muwhahahah orgy! orgy!
Everybody: *rolls eyes*
*Rolls eyes too* haha!! ^^
Meep! T^T always the butt of the joke! Always! T^T
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