We are getting close to the end! *sniff* Maybe that's why it takes so much for me to post the last episodes of this series. It... Just... Hurts...
These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind.
Now, unto episode #24!

This is more like a side-note. I just wonder if Funimation will also exaggerate the blood scene on this episode. (For more references see last post on Funimation). I just wonder if they will make it more gory and shocking. Will the blood also be spilled to the camera again? Mmm... What's with blood and the camera...

Okay, so that's it? Make Miharu despair and angst, and you pull the Shinra Banshou out? So what was all that about taking all the kinjutsus from the other villages? What's that for nothing then? Really, some people should just go STRAIGHT TO THE POINT. But then there wouldn't be any anime...
I don't know. It's just... Waste of time, people, and kinjutsus.

When this scenes where happening, this were more or less my reactions.
Oh! Wow! How cool.
3 seconds later.
It's getting more impressive...
5 seconds later.
Okay... This is now exaggerated...
10 seconds later.
Okay, now you are showing off...
20 minutes later (when it appears again)
Yes... Definitely showing off.

And here comes Thobari-sense to save the day! Come on people, scream with me:

I totally feel the pain on Raimei on hitting Thobari-sensei. Although I wouldn't have gone with fists, I would have used a chainsaw. And I wouldn't have stopped, I would have continued until I have hit my target. But, like I said once before! He has a fan club... And they are scary...

Maaan... That scene...
Miharu: You are thinking the same thing I am?
Me: That your father was totally and brutally murdered?
Miharu: No.
Me: Then?
Miharu: My father was a total pussy.
But then again... If you are involved with a ninja... And you KNOW that she is a ninja. It kinda comes with the whole that you might, one day, be killed by other ninjas. Then... DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH NINJAS! Even Hanabusa-san is already prepared for that!

I was thinking the same thing. What was the whole purpose of seeing how his parents were brutally murdered? Was he supposed to take it, and say: "Okay! I wont use the Shinra Banshou anymore, because the Shinra Banshou was the reason my parents were killed in the first place!"
HELLO?!?!?!? If anything, I would have used the Shinra Banshou, and killed Hattori-san because he was the one that killed Miharu's parents!
And you oh so totally had the hots for Miharu's mom, Thobari-sensei.

And what is the lesson for today kids?
You don't tell an EMO kid that you hate him okay? That just will totally get you killed, followed by suicide by said EMO kid. Come on! What part of Yoite does not scream "I AM EMO, HUG ME"?
And we all know that we don't want Yoite dying... At least too soon.
Finally..I've been waiting for your rendition of the episodes for so long! And like most of it..I couldn't agree more!
1. Yoite killing Hatori is good..real good.
2. Thobari-sensei comes to save the day (yeah, right) is so...lame. (Couldn't hate him more than this, he just sucks for my opinion)
Believe me that everything Thobari appeared on the screen I would grunt, and say "Oh no... Not you..."
I believe that he is one of those... totally useless characters? Makes me wonder how there are people who actually like him?
Exactly! He should just die off already...his existence means NOTHING at all..
It COULD be that in the manga he has a more significant meaning?
No? Okay then...
Well...he might be having quite some role in the future but for now he is just one annoying being I will be soooo glad to kill...
So...to kill or not to kill?
*sharpen up the knives, swords, and gather up all the weapons existed in the world*
We already have... Whatever technique they needed in the scroll. We can surely kill him now.
*Takes out a bazooka*
Happy hunting!
Oh yeah! Let's hunt him down! ^^
And while at it, the bitch too...
Oro? Which bitch? There are just quite some of them I don't know which one you're talking about...heh! Though my first guess is the one who's always with him...who can't wear her clothes properly...dun know the name...not like I really care anyway..heh!
Well that one, but I also meant the one of Kairoshuu... The Bitch as I call her...
Oh! That one! Damn, how can I forgot her?
*goes off to kill her*
But do also kill the one from Fuuma. A woman who doesn't know how to wear a gi/yukata/kimono properly just.....egh.... how can you actually fight like that?
Indeed! Really...what a shame...no wonder Fuuma is one hell of a perverted person...
*goes off to kill her, too*
Kinda reminded me when at the credits they show Fuuma-dono reading porn. I was like "why are you reading porn when you have her boobs almost bouncing on your face?"
Yeah! Really, they have no shame...
*kill them for good*
May God bless their soul...*grin*
NAH! Sebastian EAT THEM!
Sebastian: What do you take me for? I am not a demon of poor taste.
Me: DAMN! Not even a demon wants them! XD
Just let Grell take it then...*wink*
Me: Grell, Sebastien gives them especially for you! ^^
Grell: *Squells like a fangirl and take it off away*
Me: My bad...*grins*
Me: *looks at Grell's work* Mm.... Nice... Okay that's a little overdone... Uuhh! That's gotta hurt... Ow >_o... That's creative Grell!... Nice... Nice... Me like it! ^0^ *claps* Anybody has a camera? XD
*lends nemy a camera*
Me: Make sure to share the pictures! ^^ *grins*
And post them too! I know there must be people who think the same way we do!
Absolutely!! Can't wait! ^^
As long as Miharu doesn't find out! I wonder if Hanabusa-san would help me... And the Shinra Banshou too...
You can always sweet talk Hanabusa-san...about the Shinrabanshou...hmm...I guess sharing is caring perhaps?
Right! Sharing is caring! =D
Me: You should share Yoite then too Miharu!
Miharu & Yoite: NO.
Me: But-but!
Me: I understand about Miharu saying no but Yoite?
*all looks at Yoite*
Miharu: Does this mean that you finally realize your feelings for me, Yoite? *hugs Yoite happily*
Me: This is interesting...^^
Me: *taking pictures* Now with more feeling!
Miharu & Yoite: *glares*
Me: And now is time for me to go... *running while singing* Miharu and Yoite sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...
Yoite: *blushes*
Miharu: Don't worry Yoite, I won't rush you. Let it come to us naturally.
Me: Miharu's right, Yoite! Miharu, you should be very happy now, right?
Miharu: *smiles*
Me: This also means that you no longer hate me and nemy right?
Miharu: *glares*
Me: Uh-uh..
Me: No matter what we do, Miharu will hate us forever for our love to Yoite.
Miharu: Why must you always interrupt in our private moments!
Yoite: O_o private?
Me: OH er... Because we want to see? (did I just sign my death?)
Me: Yup...guess that's right Nemy...*sigh* Wait, what did you say?? You REALLY are in trouble, Nemy! You're inviting the death to the front door!
Miharu: *glares*
Me: No, she didn't mean it that way, Miharu! We just support the Yoite x Miharu pairing (maybe a bit?) too much! Either way, we just want to see you two together! Right, Nemy?
Miharu: *glares*
Me: You understand right, Yoite?
Yoite: Private? What...do you mean?
Me: Uh-uh...somebody have some explaining to do...right, Miharu?
Miharu: *takes Yoite to a corner*
Me: Hope he'll forget about it, Nemy, or else you are sooo dead...
Yoite: *gasp*
Me: Uh-uh...
Me: Well, I already have a demon and a shinigami after me. What is adding a Shinra Banshou? Besides *smirks* I reaaaaally want to see Yoite's "but Miharu... I'm not a boy...or a girl" conversation *snorts*
Yoite: *gasp* You can do that?!
Miharu: And then... *whispers*
Me: Here Miharu! Have one of your "grandmother's" mangas (have to watch Counting Manga with Yoite and Miharu to understand this reference XD)... You can use them to illustrate!
Miharu: Oh thank you! See here Yoite...
Yoite: ............
Miharu: There are many many different ways to do it. But these constitute the most basic ones.
Yoite: But Miharu...
Miharu: Yes Yoite?
Me: Oh here it comes....
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