Dum dum duuuuuum! What's going to happen? Like we already didn't know XD
These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind.
Okay so, this post won't be funny at all. Is more like me complaining for a lot of things that happened in this episode... So yeah, typical nagging girl post here. You have been warned!
Now, unto episode #25!

Once again a fight is detained because of a gun. Like they couldn't jump or something to avoid it! Remember that it can only point to one person at the time? Ninjas should really be more faster than that! Anyway...
If guns are so powerful, ninjas should really update to the 21st. Century. Sometimes they are so... Old fashioned...
Why did Yukimi waited until he got hurt to pull out the gun anyway?

This kinda just showed me that the one who was in really deep shit (pardon my French) was Yoite and not Miharu. Meh... Miharu could destroy de world with the Shinra Banshou bla bla bla, but Yoite was really having some psychological issues with his existence... Again...
It kinda disappointed me that Miharu was so much into his own issues that totally disregarded Yoite during these moments. I believe that Manga!Miharu would have been more worried about Yoite than himself.
But then, what do I know right?

Let me take this moment to show my deep, deep, deep, deeeeeeep affections towards this guy right here...
Somebody pass me my chain-saw! I have a leader to kill!

When I saw this right here... Well, what can you tell is missing? Or rather, who?
Oh! He escaped? Wow, with all the commotion going on? Remarkable! He was able to avoid the big-flying-rocks and the huge Miharu form? Outstanding!!
Yes... It is sarcasm. I didn't think that Yoite was stable enough to actually ran away. I just believe that the director didn't want Yoite to die this way.

I believe that this is the only good thing that Thobari-sensei did in the WHOLE anime (besides being a comic relief). On your knees bitch! Lick my shoes, and BEG me to help you find where Yoite is!
Kneel more! Your forehead is NOT touching the FLOOR!
Because, really, why would I like to help Thobari-sensei reconcile with Miharu? He knew him from 10 years ago, and TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY IGNORED MIHARU until he reached Junior High! And you can tell because Miharu would call sensei Oni-chan before, and now he is just plain Kumohira-sensei.

Okay so... Amm... You are going to let Miharu take his own decisions as long as he takes responsibility of his actions... But you won't allow him to use the Shinra Banshou...
No Thobari-sensei, is EXACTLY as it was BEFORE.
I think I need a lawyer or something to understand his way of thinking -_-

Don't know why, but this moment Fuuma-dono reminded me of Kantarou from Tactics. They kinda have the same take-advantage-of-situation-I-smirk-a-lot-rather-flamboyant personality.
Of course I like Kantarou because he DOES HELP the people he cares about.
Fuuma-dono is just an disturbing pervert peeping Tom. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Homework for today! Can you tell me the amount of times Yoite's name was mentioned in this episode? Good luck!
Overall comment: I couldn't agree more.
Help me kill Fuuma-dono? XD
Your wish is my command!
*Off to kill him for good*
WOOHOO!! Now to burn his darn books, so he doesn't become "inmortal" *goes to Fuuma Village and burns the place down*
Okay... So maybe I exaggerated a little, but the job is DONE!
Great! Now we can live happily ever after!
*Off to enjoy life and treat nemy for a good dose of ice cream...yummy! ^^ *
*Eats ice cream* Yup! Definitely worth everything that we had to go through ^0^
*Hear screams of pain in the distance*
^.^ Teehee!
*Takes 2 headphones, put one on nemy's head and mine, the sound of aru ga mama starting*
Let's enjoy ramen next, shall we? ^^
and and! Onigiri, Takoyaki, Arizona tea (yes, I still believe that he drank Arizona tea XD), vanilla cake, bean sweet, sundae banana-split ice-cream...
CM: My god, are you listing all the foods that Yoite ate?
Me: damn right I am!
Ok! Let's call Yoite too, shall we? maybe we can even stop to eat Miharu's okonomiyaki...^^
And have a meet the parents kind of thing! Of course this would be more like meet-the-granparents if you think about it. Imagine? That would be soooo cooooool! XD
Miharu: Granma? I would l would you to meet Yoite. He is my boyfriend-
Yoite: Wha-?
Miharu: And we are going to get married.
Yoite: We are going to what?
Grandma: Miharu! I am so happy for you! *Stares at Yoite unblinking* He looks like a very kind young man. I am very happy that you found someone so handsome for you!
Yoite: Excuse-
Miharu: ^_^ Yup I did.
Yoite: Wait a second... Er.. Excuse me-
Grandma: Oh! You can just call me grandma. We are after all going to become family.
Yoite: ...
Hahaha!!!!! OMG I almost die laughing! That is pure crack! You never fail to make my day, really..I can soooooooo see that coming!
Yup yup! That's the way to tie Yoite down, and Miharu knows it XD
Miharu just KNOWS, isn't he? haha!!
*almost die laughing, again*
Which makes me kind of wonder how Miharu and Yoite discussed living arrangement after the whole Yoite running away and being found at the church.
Me: Knowing you Miharu, I thought you would suggest your house first.
Miharu: I did.
Me: Huh? Then what happened?
Miharu: A lot of wandering happened.
Me: What? Is Yoite a sleepwalker or something?
Miharu: Not Yoite, me. Not sleepwalking, snuggler.
Me: Oh? So you are those who snuggle people while sleeping like a teddy bear? How cute.
Miharu: I was not asleep. I snuggled Yoite, and that's when the wandering happened.
Me: The wandering? What does tha-Huh? Miharu... Are you noseblee- OMG! *points* No Waaaaay!
Miharu: ^_^ *demon wings* My bad.
Miharu: My bad *grins*
I am so terribly jealous T^T
Miharu: *Glares*
Me: ... Er... I mean... Oh! I hear my name gottagobye! *Runs*
*comes back from death*
Me: Huh, where's nemy? Where's she, Miharu?
Miharu: *glares*
Me:...? What? What did I do wrong?
*Yoite steps in*
Me: Hi, Yoite! Long time no see!
*Miharu glares at me and take Yoite away*
Me: What's wrong??!
Me: *pokes at the floor somewhere far away* Mooo... I'm allowed to dream no? T^T
Sebastian: I can take Yoite's place.
Me: NO WAY! *runs away*
Sebastian: *smirks* Humans are so fun to tease...
Me: Sebastien, you...
Sebastien: Yes?
Me: *sigh* nothing...somehow your appeal differs with Yoite's...
Sebastien: *smirks*
Me: Heijiiii-saaaaan!!! Help!! *hugs* Sebastian wants to... To... To... Something I'm sure!!! T^T And whatever he plans to do, I prefer for Yoite to do it insteaaaad!!!
Sebastian: But Yoite can't.
Me: .... DAMMIT! >.<
Miharu: Now I have to kill you.
Me: T_T I am certainly not seeing my next birthday... *runs away*
Me: Wait, nemy, don't run! And I was really planning to help...
Sebastien: You can't help her, mind you.
Me: Shut up! This is all your fault!
Sebastien: Oh? What do you plan to do then? *smirks*
Me: Er...run too, perhaps?
*runs away*
Me: Sebastian is a bully! And Miharu! You are so unfair! Why not go after Sebastian when he is after Yoite too!
Miharu: He is cool.
Me: Cool? He is after Yoite's body.
Miharu: To a certain degree...
Sebastian: I just want to play with his paws... And his luscious body.
Me:... Okay, that is seriously disturbing... You cat lover!
Sebastian: *Smirks*
Me: Miharu, you should be more aware of Sebastien! He's a demon, for God's sake!
Miharu: So?
Me: I mean, if he wants he can take Yoite far far away from you!
Sebastien: *smirks*
Me: You forget that Miharu has the Shinra Banshou. If Sebastian takes Yoite some place far away. The Shinra Banshou (being the shounen-ai slasher that she is) would take immediately Miharu to Yoite.
Sebastian: I love a good challenge.
Miharu: Bring it on you demon...
Yoite: When will you all stop involving me?
Me: Oh~ I literally forgot her somehow...hehe~
Yoite: *sigh*
Me: Now this is rare...you must be really troubled, eh?
Me: IMO, as long as they love you they will never let you go off that easy, mind you. Same with me and nemy! We will root for you!!
Yoite: *sigh* -walks away-
Me: You should be happy, Yoite! Don't go!
Me: No! Don't go! Or else there won't be challenge to take upon T^T I really wanted to see that...
Me: First Ciel vs. Miharu and now Sebastian vs. Miharu. Miharu really likes to fight for Yoite XD
Miharu: You do too.
Me: o_O I guess that's true.
Miharu: Difference between me and you, is that I get to actually keep him.
Me: Mou *goes to corner* Miharu is cruel...
Me: Miharu, can't you just drop it off? You don't have to make nemy cry each and every single time..*goes off to comfort nemy*
Miharu: Like I would give a damn.
Me: Miharu the meanie! *sobs*
Me: Miharu makes girls cry!
Miharu: Meh, who needs girls.
Me: Heh... Now is me who wants to erase her existance...
Miharu: No problem! ^.^
Me: T.T
Me: Nemy, don't! If you erase your existence I'll be damn lonely! Who else will go ga-ga over Yoite with me, runs around looking for Yoite, messing about with Miharu, Sebastien, Ciel and (perhaps?) Grell...promoting Nabari no Ou to the people in the world....etc..*goes on rambling*
Miharu: Another reason I hate girls.
Me: *gasp* *takes deep breath*
Miharu: *smirks*
Me:...and that's the reason Yoite will runaway from you. You're too mean. He'll feel insecure with you. And he'll knows that Nemy and I and far better! Haha~ *sticks tongue out to Miharu and walks casually to find Nemy*
Miharu: *glares*
Yoite:........*looks at Miharu*
Miharu: Am I that meanie?
Yoite: *nods*
Miharu: *gasp*
Me: YES!!!!!
Me:*gasp* I am as shocked as Miharu...
Miharu: Yoite.
Yoite: Miharu.
Nemy: Nemy!
Miharu: *pushes Nemy away* You know I would never do anything mean to you. I just don't want anything *glares at girls* to come between us. I want to be with you forever.
Yoite: Miharu...
Nemy: O.O oohhh...
Yoite: I want to be with you too.
Nemy: O.O uuuhhh...
Miharu: Yoite! *hugs Yoite*
Yoite: *hugs back*
Nemy: How easy for them to forget that they have an audience... OMG YOU TWO! YOU ARE IN THE OPEN! Get a room!... with us in it!
Miharu: *glares* And this is why I HAVE to protect you, Yoite. These girls never learn...
Me: Oro? O_o??
Miharu: Pshh...whatever..let's go Yoite.
Yoite: *nods and holds Miharu's hand*
Me: So sweet~ ^^
Yoite: *blush*
Me: We are masochist, what was Miharu expecting? Besides *snorts* Miharu still has to learn that to be with Yoite... you know... THAT way... He doesn't only have to be gay. He has to be bi. To the bus!!!
Ciel: Why the bus.
Me: *blinks* what are YOU doing here? No wait- don't tell me *shrieks* is Sebastian coming?!?!?
Ciel: No.
Me: *exhales* Ah good.
Ciel: I received a note you see? It says: "Keep the idiots occupied while I am busy doing Yoite. Own you one, Miharu." So I came.
Heiji: Is he calling us idiots?!
Me: Is he doing Yoite?!
Ciel: I still don't understand your comment earlier about bisexuality. Isn't Yoite just a boy?
Me: I know a perfect way to clear all your doubts my little Earl. To the bus!!! That's where I bet Miharu took Yoite.
Ciel: Okay then.
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