My sister will be coming to town; meaning that I won't be able to do anything for this blog for a whole week. I wanted to post the next episode of Nabari no Ou, but getting everything ready (*cough* cleaning like crazy) for her arrival has made it impossible.
At least I posted something of Sebastian in tight pants. That always makes my day XD
I did had time to mess around with the dress up of Gaia Online. I made the characters of Ciel, Sebastian and Yoite!
Miharu: What about me?
Me: You don't share your Yoite. You don't get to be in MY blog.
Miharu: Tch...
Common Sense: I don't think that Ciel would share Sebastian if he knew.
Me: What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.
Common Sense: You are so dead when he finds out.
Me: Yeah... Well, Carpe Diem...

Must admit that Gaia pretty much made Sebastian for me. I wonder if they made it on purpose?

Nuuuu Yoite in the snow *sniff* brings back memories...

This is pretty much an original character of mine... I just wanted to share it XP
Will be missing you then...all the best! ^^
Yeah! You can see my excitement at accompanying my sister for lots and lots of shopping! *hits head on table repeatedly*
Haha! Well..enjoy your time then!
*steal Yoite away while you bang your head on the table*
Nuuuuu, give Yoite back! You had had him/her/them for whole week! Besides now that Sebastian is out for my soul and Miharu is out for my blood, Yoite is the only one between me and them T^T *sniff*
Err...what if I haha!! ^^
*Sniff* Is that how is going to be huh? *sniff* I guess it takes a shinigami to get another shinigami.
GRELL!! The trade is on! You get a whole day with Sebastian as long as you bring Yoite back!
Sebastian: WHAT? Excuse me milady-
Me: Now you respect me...
Sebastian: - but you shouldn't promise things that you aren't planning to do.
Me: Who said I won't deliver? I already have the room *whisper*andthecameras*whisper* ready for you both.
Sebastian: Just you wait... You humans never last long.
Me: I love you too.
Oh no you don't!
*Takes Yoite and runs far far away*
*sniff* Nuuuu!!! Yoite!!!! Now I have to change the comic, because Yoite won't be able to appear in it! T^T
Darnit! This comic is taking more than usual >.< Seeing that the new *demon* is actually more... er... demanding that the other characters...
I'll tell Miharu on you!!!
Oh no you don't! Yoite, what should we do now??
Me: Will you leave with me, stay with Miharu, or stay with her?
Yoite:.....I don't want to choose any.
*runs away*
Nemy: Ah wow, not even you Miharu? That sucks!
Miharu: Not to worry. I'll make Yoite come back to me.
Me: ... Now I am scared.
Miharu: Good.
Nemy: *hugs Sebastian * Save me...
Sebastian: Die.
*After looking for Yoite like crazy and found him for good*
Me: Yoite, *pant* I think you better *pant* come back...Miharu is...
*Miharu appears*
Me: OMG!!!!
Miharu: Yoite.
Yoite:......*walks closer to the door and runs away, again*
Me: Yoite, don't go!!!
Miharu: *gives me a death glare and runs after Yoite*
Me: *exhausted to death to run with them* -sigh-
Oh! I know what to do! Let's go and get some ICE CREAM! Yoite loooooves sweets (or I assume he does, seeing how many sweets he eats).
Me: Sebastian? Could you prepare something delicious of ice cream for Yoite?
Sebastian: No.
Me: Pretty please? I BEEEEG YOUUUU.
Sebastian: No.
Me: ... I'll let you put those cat-ears on Yoite again.
Sebastian: ...
Me: Aaaaand the collar that you recently bought too.
Sebastian: One ice cream coming up!
Me: ^.^ Yoohoo! Miharu! Me got a plan!!!
*quickly run to grab Yoite first before Sebastien finishes the ice cream*
Me: I'm not one to give up!! Yoite~~~
Poor Yoite, I believe that he has fainted somewhere from exhaustion... XD
That or he has started to fly and now is in America... I wonder if he would blend in with all the emos there?
Yoite? Faint? Exhaustion? No!!!!!! Don't die on me!
Miharu: As if he would. I'M NOT LETTING HIM DIE.
Me: What if he REALLY fly to America?
Miharu: He's too pretty to compare with all the emos there.
Me: You bet! Wait, we better find him! Yoite~
Miharu: *shot yet another death glare* I'M saving him. Stay there. Or else...
Me: *sobs*
Me: You forget Miharu that you don't know shit of Engrish? "I like baseball dogs very much" will NOT help you find Yoite in America.
Miharu: I have a six sense that can point me exactly where I can find Yoite. I don't need English.
Me: o_O So you do have that? How about money for tickets? Passport? Directions? *hugs Miharu* TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUUUU!!!!!
Me: You forget Miharu that you don't know shit of Engrish? "I like baseball dogs very much" will NOT help you find Yoite in America.
Miharu: I have a six sense that can point me exactly where I can find Yoite. I don't need English.
Me: o_O So you do have that? How about money for tickets? Passport? Directions? *hugs Miharu* TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUUUU!!!!!
*Put on a puppy eyes on Miharu*
Me: take me with you too!!!! We can have a good holiday altogether!!
Miharu: Why should I bring you along??
Me: the more the merrier, besides, you don't HAVE money much for both you and let Nemy and I help! Right, nemy?
Me: Yes yes yes! My Ashke can fly us with to America, and I can drive us (although kinda crazy and rashly) to found our beloved Yoite ^.^
Miharu: beloved?
Me: Handsomely?
Miharu: *glare*
Me: Nicely?
Miharu: ...
Me: Cutely?
Miharu: ........
Me: Meep?
Awesome idea!! Miharu, let's go!!
*Wow, nemy is REALLY good~ ^^*
Me: I didn't spend all those month of psychology for nothing! ^.~
Miharu: You are paying for everything.
Me: Yeah yeah... So that means we can go?
Miharu:... Whatever...
Me: Yoohoo!!! To the airport! Across-the-World trip!
~Yoite in Miharu's place~
Yoite: I wonder when Miharu is coming back.
OMG!!! So Yoite is there after all!!!
*hides the truth from Miharu*
Let's go!! ^^
SSSHHHHH is a secret! I planned it all along. After we get everything ready, Miharu will go back to his house to get packed right? Having the beautiful present of a Yoite sitting on his bed, Miharu won't be able to help himself, and he will pawn on Yoite right?
Sebastian: And why did you prepared all this?
Me: Why? Because I am a very nice and wonderful person. This came out of the goodness of my heart.
Sebastian: ... Right.
Me: ... And I have might wired some microphones and cameras in the room *cough* Can't be sure of that...
Sebastian: You are a total angel indeed.
Me: ^.^ Thank you!
Nemy, you're the best angel alive!!! ^^
*goes off to watch with nemy*
O.O uuuhhhhh *drools-squeals-awws-giggles-squeals-dies*
Best video ever! ^_________________________^
Now that's BIG (your smile, that is) ^^
*cough* HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA *cough* I-can't-breathe! XDDDDD
Noooooooo!!!!!!! nemy, hold on!! At least until it finishes! -LOL-
I will! *breathes* See it! *gasp* Until the very end!!! *coughs*
They are certainly taking their time though o_O
I will! *breathes* See it! *gasp* Until the very end!!! *coughs*
They are certainly taking their time though o_O
Well..something are better going along the pace...*wink*
Have those electric thingies for the beatings of the heart. I just know my heart will stop when they reach the end XD
No, don't say things like that! I'll go crazy if you dies! T_T
Let's watch this first though...
*continues watching*
I give them points for stamina. That Miharu knows how to roll XD
I guess ninja training is good too, it gives them elasticity-uh! nosebleeding! >.<
Now that you mention it...that's true..*nosebleed*
Damn it, where's the tissue?
Nuuu we are going to die from blood-loss!
But it will be oh so worth it! *keeps watching*
Why worry? We can ask for supply from the hospital..
Me: Hello, hospital? *pant* we are short of blood here...*pant* it's terrible...we're bleeding..come quick..
Hospital person: WHAT?? This is emergency! What type of blood do you need??
Me: I'm A type..Nemy, what about you? Damn it, just bring it all! *hung up*
*continues watching*
Me: We're saved~ *smiles*
Me: I am A too, but... Hold on a sec, won't they bring the police along with the ambulance and stuff? o_O A-and, how are we to explain the blood-loss? Won't we be considered perverts, and be taken to jail? But more importantly! O_O Won't the sound distract Miharu and Yoite?
Me: dammit! >.<
Miharu: What is that sound?
Me: Meh, forget the police. We are dead XD
I feel stupid but...when I saw the Yoite I was about to cry...
.... Er. I don't know if I should take it as the doll is so bad you want to cry, or just the general idea that anything of Yoite makes you want to cry. I will take the second option and agree with you. I still do sometimes too 83
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