These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #10! One of my favorite ones!

This is one of my favorite scenes in the whole anime. Here you can see Miharu acting as the proper *cough*wife*cough* of Yoite just like Hanabusa is to Thobari. So kawaii! And let's give it to the guys here, you know how hard is to stop in a position of fight?
Let's not forget Yoite's cute "Good Night" when he sees Sensei charging towards him in "self defense." Perfect gentleman I tell you!

This is very important people! Never before Miharu had tried to touch anybody physically before, and here he is extending his hand towards Yoite! Yes, I know is only a hand, but something is something!
Here is also where Yoite started to wonder why Miharu is being so nice to him. If I were him, I'll freak out thinking he lost it XD
Yoite: I wouldn't go that far...
Miharu: I do think I lost it.

Deep deep deep deep deep deeeeeep down Hanabusa-san is a yaoi fangirl, but I would also take any excuse to hug bishounen guys XD

I don't know about you guys, but what she was doing here is awkward. I know she is angry and all, but hitting like that...

And we see someone who has the same fashion sense as Miharu! They should totally form a group to inspire the fashion trend. I keep wondering, if they would dress up together, what would Yoite's and Gau's reactions be.
Yoite: ...
Gau: ...
Yoite: *points finger to his head*
Gau: Wait! Do me first, then you can follow.
Yoite: *points finger to Gau*
Raikou: I didn't think it was so bad.

This scene always breaks my heart, but this also comes to my mind: It must be some kind of MIRACLE to have been able to avoid Pneumonia with all the times he walks in the rain, and remains wet with his clothes!
But then it could be, with all those clothes he is wearing, that the water never reaches his skin too.
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