These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #15! MORE Miharu and Yoite yaaaaaay!!!

Here is one of the scenes where I think Miharu only has Yoite in his mind.
Miharu: Yoite, Yoite, Yoite, Yoite, Yoite...
Me: Yeah... Just like that...
Miharu: Yoite, Yoite, Yoite, Yoite...
Me: Err... *looks worriedly at Yoite*
Yoite: I am as scared as you.

This scream fit oh so perfectly the fourteen year old boy that I just couldn't pass the opportunity to point it out. I just found it so adorably cute!!!
During this time, I would also observe Thobari-sensei and laugh my head off...
Me: There he goes... And there he goes flying again...
Thobari: Agghhhh!!!
Me: And there he goes... And there he goes flying again...
Thobari: Agghhh.... Would you stop saying that?!
Me: Only if that stops you from going to Miharu.
Thobari: Never! I made a promise... Rokujou!
Me: And there he goes...

I don't know why, but I thought (if they had an opportunity to talk) this is how the conversation would have gone between Yoite and Thobari.
Thobari-sensei: Dang Yoite... What did you do to Miharu?
Miharu: Yoite, Yoite, Yoite, Yoite...
Yoite: Heck if I know...
Miharu: Yoite, Yoite, Yoite, Yoite...
Yoite: ... I'll keep pretending to be unconscious until we reach Iga. I'll feel safer there.
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