These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #19!

... I don't know either... What does the hand sign mean by the way? Horns? o_O

They should have specified that it was Miharu's birthday, but whaaa the heck. I just loved this scene of the cake XD
Yoite: It smells good.
Miharu: It taste good too.
Gau: I asked Yoite not you!
Miharu: Yoite? Ah... You ate my cake too. Would you eat me next?
Everyone: o_O
Me: Oh you dog! XD

And after the tender moment between Yukimi and Yoite, you can see Miharu checking that Yukimi doesn't try anything with Yoite (okay fine, maybe is not the true, but one can wish right?).
Miharu: He is my man you hear?
Yukimi: About the man part...
Miharu: What about it?
Yukimi: Er... Well... Just never tell Yoite that he is a cute guy... That's all.
Miharu: Of course not. Everybody knows that he is drop dead gorgeous.

This? This is Yoite when he was fifteen? He reaches the WAIST of Hattori-san! OMG o_O He is worst in malnutrition than Harry Potter. Compared to him, the wizard is a spoiled master!

Ah Yoite... Now I wish you didn't cut your hair... Or is it because that would make you look like a girl?
Yoite: It distracts in battle.
Me: Ah... Pity...
Yoite: Besides I'm following the protocol of keeping the same hairstyle for all your life.
Me: Stupid... Anime... Protocol!

Er.. Kazuho-san? Next time try the shortcut of Alt+Ctrnl+F4. It will be less obvious than draaaaging the mouse to the X button. Believe me, I would know...

Oh no they didn't! They didn't reunite a bunch of assassins in an art museum, nah-ah! Shame on you! Respect the Arts dangit! >.<
Oh, and IF you are going to a museum. At least change your clothes... Overalls *shivers*
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