These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #11!
I apologize for lack of screenshots here, but the episode was rather serious. Couldn't find many to comment!

It might sound funny to you what Miharu says here, but let me tell you that is a very good avoiding-the-subject technique! It works!
Unfortunately I use it so much that is practically impossible to hold a conversation with me.
Miharu: I think that is called ADD...
Me: Oh yeah...

Here are the brilliant Raimei's deductions from Gau. He calls out her name, he calls out Miharu's name, he calls out the four-eyed guy, and she deduces that is Kouichi's friend.
Kouichi: I take rather personal that everybody refers to me as the four-eyed guy.
Me: I know exactly what you are talking about.

Rather impacting, but if Raikou never had intentions of killing Gau from the beginning, he SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID ANYTHING!
Raikou: I didn't think he would take it so serious.
Gau: But Raikou-sama! I promised that if I told anybody your secret, you could kill me.
Me: You should have just told Raimei from the beginning, just as you wanted it too. You would have avoided all this.
Gau: But then there wouldn't be any drama...
Me: OMG! More ninja drama!

What's with dying people wanting to touch Raikou's face? I mean I know you are dying and all... I just don't get it.
Gau: hey! I was dying there. Might as well touch something beautiful before I leave for the next world.
Me: I guess that makes sense.
Gau: Makes perfect sense!
Me: Then how would you explain Raikou's mother?
Raikou: ...
Gau: ...
Raikou: Let's us not go there.
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