Finally! I got my Yoite's Hat! After a week of waiting (and really... It was a LONG week) I got it. I got so excited that I tried taking pictures in my "Yoite Get Up." I really just used a jacket I had and a scarf I recently got. Hopefully I can get original clothing for my cosplay soon (now that I got the HAT!)
I really don't feel sometimes like cosplaying Yoite. I mean, let's face it. He... she... Yoite is rather "cute" or more like androgynous, and I really don't feel like I fit in that category. But after studying some make up tips and all, let's see if I make do. Here are two pictures that I got! I would have gotten a little farther away from the camera, but I don't have the clothing for that. Soon my people! SOON!

tell me where......or else......
Please tell me! I need to know, I've been looking and I can't find his hat anywhere!!
Sorry for not answering sooner. This is the website where I got my cap in camel color:
I hope it is of use to you.
I CANT FIND IT!! :'( i want to get the same one but i can not find it im a die hard yoite lover i need the hat!!!!! help??
I clicked on the link and I'm pretty sure I found the exact one you have! But it doesn't come in Camel colour! D: HELP?! :(
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