These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #20! Now things are getting pretty serious here!

Let me get this straight... Everybody is running for their lives, and here is Thobari-sensei hiding in the woods? When he could be out helping somebody? Does he ever wonders why everybody hates him at times?

Can anyone see his desperation now? Anybody who knew Miharu from the beginning would NEVER imagine him doing this. The question is... What it is his REAL purpose? Why is there no more of the manga/Miharu doubts in this anime T^T

I can believe he said that! Yoite is worth it a whole lot more than you do pal!
Dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... Give me the Kira scroll! quick!
Or at least the Izunashingan! I got some brainwashing to do...

Okay, noooow he is starting to get worried about Miharu, and the consequences that it might come to be if he uses the Shinra Banshou (because people have requested to actually write it in two words >.<)
Miharu: Better late than ever I guess...

And another person who says that Yoite isn't worth it? What is this? Yoite is not worth to save episode or what? Dangit people! Just look at his... Yoite's face and melt!
Melt I say!

Here I shall put some translation for you in this scene...
Miharu: gomen ne Yoite... (oh my Romeo)
Yoite: Miharu... (my Juliet...)
Me: I keep telling you that Yoite cannot be the seme!
Miharu: And why not?
Me: Because... Because... Hey hey! Don't point that finger at me Yoite!
Miharu: Whatever... At least I got to be hold by him.
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