These screenshots and the animation itself do not belong to me. I also do not make money out of this, so please keep that in mind. I also apologize for the spanish subtitles, but thats the only way I could find these episodes.
Now, unto episode #17! Bunch and bunch of silliness!

And once again, Ninja drama. Really, was it necessary to hit the door? And not even properly! You are supposed to push her against the door, so she feels threatened...
I also wondered what exactly does she sees in Thobari-sensei. I mean, maybe he makes her feel like a mother? It is the most obvious answer!

You can't see it very clearly in this screenshots, but I always wondered what exactly happened to all those "knifes" (didn't really bother to find out their names XD) they throw to the enemies. I mean, do they just stay there?
Kid: Mommy! Mommy! I found a weird looking knife on the floor! Can I keep it?
Mom: Really, people these days...
Kid: Look mommy! There is another one!
Or do they have a "special team" that follows them everywhere they go, and collects them back?
Special Agent #1: Er.. boss? We failed to recollect all of the knifes in Banten. Seems... Seems a kid got them before we did...
Boss: Dangit people! It's the fifth time this month!

Yoite comes to save the day... well Thobari to be fair... and what does Sensei do? He just stood there!!!

He still stood there...
Er... Yukimi? Not in front of people, come on! It's a school for God's sake!
Yukimi: What?!
Yoite: No need to be so rough Yukimi.
Yukimi: o_O
Me: ... OMG Yoite can joke!!!

Miharu: Where is Yoite?
Thobari: ... He came to help me from Yukimi.
Miharu: And you didn't help him fight Yukimi-san?
Thobari: *blushes* I just couldn't... intervene...
Miharu: ... What? YUKIMI-SAN! Yoite is mine!!!!
Me: Run for your man... Eer... hermaphrodite Miharu!
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