Monday, January 17, 2011

Freudian Test Results

Sorry everyone for being gone for a little less than a year, but I am finally back! (or more like I am finally so bored, I have decided to write something on this blog again...) To start this year, I decided to do a little Freudian (because who doesn't like our Freudian Psychology?) Test of Yoite. Not really surprised by what I got, but... Kinda fun to do it anyway XP

Won't bore you with more of my mumbling. Here are the results!

Freudian Inventory Results
Oral (43%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.
Anal (53%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.
Phallic (23%) you appear to have negative issues regarding sexuality and/or have an uncertain sexual identity.
Latency (10%) you appear to be overly practical; don't undervalue abstract learning, abstract learning increases your ability to make good decisions (and predictions) in the real world so it would be 'impractical' to shun it.
Genital (50%) you appear to be somewhere between a progressive/openminded and regressive/closeminded outlook on life.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
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