Sunday, February 19, 2012


Soon enough I will be posting here some fanarts I did for the game of Alice, Nabari and... Yeah others. I just can't think of them at the moment...

For now, here are some videos I found that I thought they were worthwile to watch.

Now, this one of Alice is amazing. Is one of the few videos that actually captures the very essence of the game. Meaning, they actually hint at the real enemy of the game, and the actual crime that is happening around Alice. Really good.

Now, this one is a Skyrim video. It won't make sense to anyone, but those who actually play the darn game as much as I do. I was laughing so hard at how much I understood the frustration of the guy. Some things that you go through the game make no sense at all, and its good that there is someone out there who thinks the same way I do. Plus I love accents.

Three words for this video:



Z e k i . said...

Brotherrr! >U< <33 *hugggles* I-I missed youu very much! ; O ; *soobb* ; ^ ; STOOPID SCHOOL ISH MEAN. :'o *clingss* > ^<

*O* OMG. That first video of Alice really is amazing~. <3 *//O//* *falls over* x Q x SO EPIICC.
A-And yesh! THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAA! :U/smacked/ Ow. x ^ x ...>u<

~Yoite~ said...

LOL Ah sis. I missed you too 83
Although I see you around in ps3 every once in a while XD of course, Skyrim keeps me TOO busy nowadays...
I'm glad that you liked the videos XD I kept looking for good funny videos of Skyrim, but there aren't that many... Usually is just the normal stupidity of people...

Z e k i . said...

Me tooo. >u<
xDD Y-Yesh! But whenever I go on, it's always SKYRIM. SKYRIM ish possessed brotherr! ; o ; <3;
Mhmm, I diid. *u*
Awwh. Truetrue brother. ; ^ ; *huggle* Ish okaii. >o<

BUT. I-I forgot brotherr! Happy Belated Valentiness Daay~
~(*///u///*)~ *ZeekiiDancess*
I dedicate this to you and Miharu(Zeni) brother! *u*)b H-Hope you liike itt. >//u//<

~Yoite~ said...

*sobs* It has taken over me ._. Is awful!
@~@ Save me sis! Save me from this terrible enemy!!! XD
Happy Valentines day XD Did you do anything fun? Anything... Special? <w< *kira'd* XDDDDD
LOL Is great! Just great. I so hope Miharu sees it too XDDDD

Nabari-Miharu said...

And Skyrim strikes again @-@
lol, what is Valentines day? Happy belated Contract Day everyone! 8D *kira'd*
PFFFF ZEKI!!! Y U DO?! XD *hides in the shame corner*

Z e k i . said...


I knew it brother! ; O ; *takes the game and throws it in the Atlantic Ocean* THERE. ; ^ ; The sharkies ate it! *huggless and gives you cakee with lemon tea* Caake brother! With strawberriess. *u*
Thankyouu. >u< -;;WAH. o///)^///o N-NU I-I didn't do anything special! *squeaks* (/)///(\)

Miahru saw iit! *o* Heeee. <3


xDD Uwah.
I-I DID BECAUSE ISH CUTE. *///)^///* *wiggless*

~Yoite~ said...

@Miharu: Happy Belated Contract Day? That sounds... naughty w>
*pokes blushing cheeks* Now, sis did a good job XD

@Zeki: YES, SHE DID! XD I love how in frame three Yoite kinda looks like he is looking up Miharu's shorts. Don't know if its intentional, but the angle makes it look that way XD. Also love how in the last frame when Yoite doesn't get the whole "kissing" explanation, Miharu grabs him with a face: "I SAID KISSING DAMMIT, YOU KISS ME NAO!" XDDDDD

~Yoite~ said...

Dammit, commentary thing is still not working. Cut some parts of my answers again *sighs*

Nabari-Miharu said...

@Zeki: *staaaaaaare* Okay XD *kira'd*
@Yoite: pfffff XD Why do you take everything I say as an innuendo?! Have you seen Madoka Magica? XD

Z e k i . said...


N-NU I DIDN'T! @//O//@;;/smacked
Andd wah! I-I never thought of box three that way. xDDD Brotherr? Why you look at Miharu's SHORTS? ;//o//;/smacked/ xD A-And Yesh! Kissuu! *O*


*staares back and blushes* Y-Your facu! ;//)^//;/smacked
Yesh thank you. x u x

~Yoite~ said...

@Miharu: Excuuuuse me, but since someone is aware of what "innuendo" is, EVERYTHING is innuendo <w<
And don't you dare say you don't think that way too! XDDDD And yes, you showed me the opening of that series XD

~Yoite~ said...

LOL pfffff, y-you made me! XDDDD More like I am looking at Miharu's legs and think "omg, you really need to eat more..."
>w> Ah sis... XD