Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yeah, that...

Taking a break from Skyrim at the moment, I decided to take a minute to update a little my blog. I waaaaas going to change the layout to be "Valentine" like, but I have never been much into the holiday. Most of the time, I see how people use it as an excuse to get together with someone, only for the sake of getting presents. That's.... Not cool. 

Anyway, many things have happened to me this last two months. Weird things, cool things, bad things, and every day things.

One of the cool things is that I finally got the pet I always wanted. I got a corn snake! 

And no, I mean a "real" corn snake. Not putting any hidden meaning behind it, so I have an excuse to play with it. The darn thing is too smart for its own good though. Two days in, and it sneaked off. Gods know how it did it, but took me a couple of weeks to find it. Well, one of my cat found it. Kinda of funny. The snake was looking at the cat. The cat was looking at the snake. All the while the two were wondering how in the world they were going to eat one another (or that is what it looked to me XD). Fortunately I have always been a fast learner, so now I have improved the conditions where it lives. It won't sneak off again. I have called it Sora, cause I still have no idea of its male or female... Or both *kira'd*

One of the weird things that have happened, is that one day the anime shop were I go decided to do a "release" party for the Vampire Hunter manga that was coming out. It was either the manga or the DVD. I have never been much into that series. What interested me was that they say we could cosplay as vampires at the party, and so I did. I arranged a friend to drop me off at the store. Of course, once I am there, I see everybody either dressed up normal, or cosplaying as other characters such as Bleach or Hetalia. I decided to check what new merchandise they had. I found the body pillow of Sebastian (several in fact). One of them had him laying like on a bed with this leer look on his face. You know... the leer look. It makes you squirm, blush, squirm some more, look to the side blushing, and walk away like you did something bad. Then I moved to the manga section, and was seeing if there were any new titles that would be interested to read. I was kind of ignoring all the people around me when this guy walks to me and says.

Guy: Hi. I just came in to tell you that that girl over there *points* wants to call you.

Me: ... *stares at him*

Guy: So, you don't mind if we call you. Right?

Me: ... *shakes head*

Guy: Also, she said that she wanted to buy you a puppy.

Me: ... *has a wtf face*

All the while the girl was completely red on the face, and laughing non-stop in embarrassment. She kept trying to stop the guy from continuing with what he was saying. I decided, not wanting to make things more awkward, to just let it go, smile, and walk off. It was later that I found out that these two have never meet before either. Makes you wonder why the heck this conversation took place then. 

And of course, there is skyrim. There is nothing I haven't done in that darn game. I am the arch-mage of the college of Winterhold. The leader of the assassins group called the Dark Brotherhood. I am the leader of the Thieves Guild. I am, of course, the dragonborn. I am married, and my wife has already tried to kill me... Several times... Plus I think she is cheating on me, cause there is always this guy in the house too. Plus my wife calls me Love. I am not into nicknames like that. Not after a guy (who cosplays as Grell) started to call me endearing names in Gaia at least...

And this all is just the tip of the iceberg. Just exactly how many things are there to do in this darn game? Will this EVER end? Will I have my old life back one day? *sighs* I miss it... But then I took an arrow in the knee...

My family is not exactly happy with me at the moment. If there is ever one thing you do NOT, ever, ever, EVER do is ignore your mom calling you. Nope, don't do that. Big mistake, BIG. 

I apologize for this weird post. There was just some stuff that I had to let out, and there is nowhere else to put it. So it's out. You can ignore it if you like. I will. 

Have a wonderful weekend! Ja ne

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