Saturday, July 16, 2011

Nabari Drama CD

I have known for a while now that a drama CD was being made of Nabari no Ou. Of course I couldn't pay a lot of attention to that for the fact that I knew it was going to be in Japanese. And of Japanese I know little next to nothing (nada, rien, zippo ._.). But a few days ago I stumbled across a livejournal where this fan came across the book of the drama CD. A script if you will. And she, very nicely of her, decided to translated it for us.

I will be giving you the link to her journal as a way to say that I am taking no credit of anything. I found the link, and I wanted to share it with you, in case you also wanted to read something new of Nabari...

By the way, the new volume of Nabari is coming this Tuesday! YESH...

This is the translation of the book of the drama CD Part 1

Ah Miharu... As apathetic as ever... But at least we can all say that he is a very dedicated student. Too bad he doesn't have very dedicated teachers...

I was really surprised (more like with a wtf? expression) when Shijima and Yoite appeared at their SCHOOL just because... If you think about it, what reason do they have to go to their school in the first place? In another notice, I love how the school has ninja-secret compartments, shortcuts and stuff. Gosh, I wish my school had stuff like that....

This is the translation of the book of the drama CD Part 2

A happy note to say that I learned something new of Yoite that day! He/she wanted to be a baseball player, who knew? Very touching how Miharu got kind of quiet when Yoite mentioned this... Don't we all wish he/she hadn't died in the manga/anime...? *sigh*

Also... Did I just read (I don't know for certain if it was in part 1 or 2 this) a certain hint of Miharu/Raimei? I know they end up alone and all, but that doesn't mean that they have to end up together! They are second cousins!

This is the translation of the book of the drama CD Part 3

I have also no idea what game Miharu and Yoite were playing at the beginning... Probably the one where you say the first word that pops to your head? I know I play that game a lot...

The incident with the cat's cry also gives me the impression that all of this seems to be like some sort of dream. Of course, if that were so, it would make me really sad and depressed (ALL OVER AGAIN).

Miharu, soda? Bad idea... (sorry, this is sort of a inside joke between TM friends and me XD)

At the end... It gives me the impression that Miharu wanted to confess or something. I don't know, Miharu is a very complex character. I guess we will find out later on...

And that is all she has for now. Hopefully she soon she updates the rest of the scrip, so we can all enjoy it! I know I am dying to know what happens...

Have a nice day, everyone!

Ja ne

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