Saturday, October 8, 2011

In Need for a Laugh

So just yesterday I felt like I needed to have a laugh. And I mean a good laugh, like those that come from the bottom of your stomach and just feel like they go through your whole body. I figured that the best, and easiest, way to find something to laugh at is looking at police videos, where you can see how stupid (and I don't mean to be rude, but come on people, you just pull the weirdest thing when it comes to the police) things you could ever encounter in your life.

These are some of them

For this one you will have to click again where it says YouTube because its not allowed to be embeded >~<

Do not worry future students! Turns out that you can trust 911 ALSO to help you with your math...

Pffft... Not to give anything away but... "NOM NOM NOM" XD

Someone needs to learn how to give tickets...

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did! I have watched them over, and over, and over again. Man, it feels good to laugh this much...

Have a great day everyone!

Ja ne


Z e k i . said...

xDDDDD OMG. Whatthhee-;;
xDD *HEADDESK* That little girl was so cuute! xDD I can't believe he helped her...well tried anyways. xD;;

~Yoite~ said...

Had I known I could use 911 for that.... =w=
Had to give it to the guy for not getting mad at the little girl, like the mom did XD

Z e k i . said...

xDD Brother needs help with his math? xD I-I thought you were good at mental math. >o<)o

*nodnod* Poor little girl. .o. >o<

~Yoite~ said...

Oh no, I don't mean math. I am good at math (too good, according to my teachers seeing that they hate being corrected XD). I mean at other subjects >w> But just help in general XDDDDD