Sorry for the title. I have been playing the game Back to the Future (YES, THERE IS A GAME), and have watched the movies all over again (an obsession of sorts in my family). It never surprises me why I always get so fascinated with Marty.
*cough* Anyway, back to what I wanted to say...
Wow! It has been SO LONG! The beginning of my "disappearance" was because I got somewhat occupied with Skyrim. I never really though a game could be so addicting, but boy was I wrong! I literally ceased to exist to everybody else, because in all my free time I was always playing that darn game. And I am the sort who wants to do EVERYTHING, just because I can. So I got to be a arch-mage, bard, werewolf, companion, stormcloack, daedric worshipper, nightingale, can't think them all... Dragonborn... After having done pretty much all the quest and mini-quests, I started exploring the whole map too. That world is big!
When suddenly my family sees me wandering outside of my room, they figured I was finally done with the game.
"Welcome to the land of the living!" They tried to be funny with me. "You got some explaining to do..."
I only had three words to say, "FUS ROH DAH!"
Then after that I had really difficult test coming up, egh... I had to study like crazy for all the slacking I did. But I am done with that too! Woohoo!
Aaaafter that I had family coming over. News that my sister is getting married-OH MY GAWD, IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD! And had all my obligations and responsibilities for her wedding already laid up on me. How in the world she expects me to prepare a party across the country, is something she only knows...
While going out with all my family, I invited a friend over. We all went into a fancy restaurant, and for some reason he wanted to look sophisticated and stuff. After finishing his meal, he wanted to "compliment" the chef on the meal. This is pretty much how it went.
"Er, excuse me."
"Yes, sir?"
"Could I have some more of this salsa? I have to compliment the chef. I have never tasted salsa more delicious than this."
"That is ketchup, sir."
*throws himself to the floor trying to stop his laughter*
"Nemy, get up! You are going to ruin your new nice clothes!"
Then... Either someone hacked into my brother's facebook, or he decided to "come out of the closet," because some of my friends decided to inform me (I am hardly ever in FB) that my brother loves d*cks. It took me a while to stop laughing too... And I also never informed my brother of the situation... Took him three days to notice *snorts.*
And now! I have found the best automobile EVER! I went to an airshow with a friend, when they presented to me a ROCKET-PORTA-POTY! A portable bathroom that can go up to 30 miles per hour! ISN'T THAT AMAZING OR WHAT? One of the most awesome methods of transportation ever! No more bathroom breaks! Pffffffffff......... I wish I could have taken a picture of that... But it was too far away. I was just so wishing for someone to actually have been using that bathroom while it was being shown in the performance. That would have been the cherry on top XD.
And it also sounds like some cool for superheroes to drive...
"Hurry, Miharu! To the Rocket-Porta-Poty!"
*transitional music Batman style!*
Anyway! I do have some fanarts that I will be showing up soon. Some final updates to my fanfics, and more pictures because for some reason I have been fascinated lately of taking picture of the international food I have eaten... Weird... Oh! And a Renaissance fair I also went! It was really cool too.
Have a great week everybody!
Ja ne
Long post is long 8D *kira'd*
Well it sounds like you had lots of fun in the Land of Sheep 83 (FUS RO *DAH) My friend has officially turned me into a grammer Nazi ;w;
Dude o-o How are you going to be able to handle planning a wedding that big?
Lol salsa=ketchup? XD *kira'd*
Whaddaya mean is long? XD Barely a page without my angst. I kinda had to... >w> reduce it a little...
*salutes* Yes, sir! =w=
I already have the perfects shouts for all of us:
Dude! I am not handling the wedding! She would never trust me with something that big. Specially knowing that I would totally do something she would hate 8D. I already told her that I was planning to wear hot-dogs to the wedding, because she is not offering them on the menu... XD
It looked looong owo;; Wow o-o. . .Lots of angst man. . .
OH God that's amazing!!! XDDD
pffffffffffff--You are amazing eue
IKR? You wouldn't believe all the support I had with the hot-dog get up... owO even the groom was on my side XDDDDD
I bet if my sister had known the Kira, I would be pretty dead by now.
I actually can .w. FFFFFFFFF--lol daaaaaamn XDDDDD
You would be in hell already .w.
Hot-dogs ruuuuuulez!
Too bad it would also look completely perverted from my part...
They dooooooo!! XD
I-it kinda would .w.;;;;
Never minding the repercussion of actually using that suit. Everyone will want to eat me! *kira'd*
Oh God XD Um. . .you can run fast right? .w.;;;
From a starving mob of all crazy people? Heck yeah I can run! XD
Yaaaay!! \o/
It would feel like playing one of those Resident Evil games, but instead of zombies is just party people from a Wedding, and instead of brains, they want hot-dogs XD
>w> Too bad I can't shoot.
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