Friday, April 27, 2012


I was bored, and I felt like going back to my old obsession of Nabari no Ou. I missed it. I was browsing around, checking for new AMV videos when I FOUND THIS!

Abridged yaaaaay!

This is a new side of Miharu, had he been sarcastic and a tad paranoid. And what is best, he loves pancakes.

Of course Kouichi still looks like a complete stalker.


And also, Kumohira-sensei still looks completely useless.

I love some of the soundtrack songs they use. Like Persona 3 and Shadow of the Colossus (Ico).

Had it been me who made it thought, I would have done some Yaoi jokes XD. But it wasn't, sooooooooo nada.



Z e k i . said...

xDDDDDDD AH-;;*tries to breatheee* Brother look what you did! *coughs*/smacked/
Th-That was amazingg. And hilarious. xDD I love the soundtracks they used! *u* And Miharu is so cuute. Where ish his devil Wingas? *o*
"SH SH SHH..Pancakes." xDD *falls over*

And the part where Kumohira-sensei had to rephrase his line. xDD

Thankyouu brother for finding this! *~* <3 *clingss*

~Yoite~ said...

Woohoo! I see that you enjoyed it too ^w^ *pats back to help sis breathe*
Probably being sarcastic means that he is not so much a little devil anymore... Shucks.

I looooove that line XD

>w> I always knew that sensei was a complete pervert over his students. I am glad that I never went to his classes.

You're welcome! 8D I was very happy at finding it too ^w^

Z e k i . said...

Mhm! I did. *o* *small nod* *coughcough* Uuu. >o<
Awwee. Nuu! Devil Wingas Miharru! Where did you goo? ; O ;

I do too! xDD

Senseii ish a perverrtt. :o *nodnod* I-I'm glad that you didn't go to his classes too brother! >^<

Yay! *u* *nods* >u<

Z e k i . said...

Ooh and brother! I almost forgot. x ^ x
Yesterday I bought a PSN card from GameStop! It had 20 bucks on it and I spent most of it on some items for my Final Fantasy game. >o< I have about 14 bucks left! I'm not sure what I should buyy. ; ^ ; There's Persona 3 that I was thinking about! Since it's 10 bucks. > <; But what can you recommend for me to buy brother? *o* <33

~Yoite~ said...

Flew away...? Go and catch him! XDDDD

LOL Why? I would probably made fun of him with his "baseball dogs" and accused him of sexual harassment. Wouldn't be the first teacher I had accused him of that.

Persona3 is a really good game. I would recommend better Persona 3 FES because it has more scenes in it, and plus you get to see what happens after Minato... er... yeah...

I would also recommend to you JOURNEY cause it was AWESOME. XDDDD But its a really short game, so your pick ^w^

Z e k i . said...

He flew away? @ o @! AH Miihaarruuu! *hops on a flying cookie and flies off* *O*

Waah brotherr. xD That would've been funnyy. xD And wowwy. >Ou<

And the Journey game! *O* Ooh I saw it but I don't have enough money to buy itt. *SOB* </3

~Yoite~ said...

@.@ Ooooohhh.... Thats one heck of a cookie... *drools* XD

I would have also probably try my best to piss him off at every given chance XD
I did that too a teacher, but the weird part was that I wasn't doing on purpose o.0

No way, really? For some reason I figured it was like 14 bucks... Oh well. Maybe with Persona 3 you can get Minato and Akihiko together XDDDDD

Z e k i . said...

Weee cookiiee. *u* *noms on* To find Miharuuu! FOR BROTHER!/smacked

xDD Uwaah. Poor sensei. >O<
And really? Wowwy. xD

Yesh really! ; o ; And it's funny because I had 14 bucks and 2 cents. But the game was 14.99! ; ^ ;

~Yoite~ said...

I WANT COOKIE TOO! *chases after* DX

Oh daaaaaaaaaaamn...! Just a few cents shorts DX. Oh well. =w= Choose wisely *kira'd* XDDDD

Z e k i . said...

*is farr awayy nao*/smacked/ Cookiee! *u* *noms on*

I-I knoww. ; O ; *sob* And I choose to buy the Persona 3 FES! *u*)b

~Yoite~ said...

You forgot that I can fly too!!!! *flies with "I believe I can fly" musical background*

Cooooool! That one has a lot of funny scenes. But that guy is a perv, so be careful with how many girlfriends you get XD He kinda... *coughs* sleeps with them *coughs* >w>

Z e k i . said...

Wooww brother! *o* *sparkly eyess* You can flyy! I-I totally forgot that you could do thatt. Hop on the cookie brother! /smacked

Mhm! And my friends did tell me some funny scenes in it. Yesh. xDD-;;
WAH. o////)^/////<;; *falls over* x///)^///x UUuuhh.

Sowwy for the late reply brother. >o< My internet ish being a meanie. ; ^ ;

~Yoite~ said...

What part of the cookie?! You already ate half of it! T^T

LOL. Kinda funny when I didn't get it at the beginning. It was the one weird girl who made me realize why was it that all the final scenes with girlfriends ended up in their bedrooms...

*kira's Internet* Take THAT!

Z e k i . said...

WHA-;; You liie brother! > ~ <; *turns away and giggles* Heehe. /smacked

Wooaah. xDD UWAH BEDROOM. @//)^//@..Eeee. How will I play that game without having a nosebleed? ;//O//;/smacked

*sniffles* Ah yay! Thankyouu brother. *u* The internet is listening! Ish workingg.

~Yoite~ said...

The cake is a li-No wait... I DO NOT LIE!!! T^T You didn't leave me any... *sobs*

Is that why you are playing it?!?!?! Cause is a dating game? You perv <w<
I did it for the suicidal teen angst XDDDDDD

*pats sis head* Good good =w=

Z e k i . said...

CAKE OR DEATH? /smacked
A-And I'm sowwy brotherr! *sob* The cookie just looked so yummy a-and I couldn't help myself! ; O ;

WAH. I-I-It's a DATING GAME? It says RPG! ; ^ ; I'm not a perv! *squeaks* >//)^//< Uwah. xDDD

*nodnod* *u*

~Yoite~ said...

DEATH! NO-WAIT! I meant cake! Cake! 8D

._. *sobs* muuuuuu T^T

w> Scary

~Yoite~ said...

w> Scary

~Yoite~ said...

<w< Pfff you didn't know? It is pretty much a dating game with a "save the world" kinda thing on the side XD Lots of fun anyway

Z e k i . said...

Cakee! *u* *gives you a cake with strawberries* >u<
Ooh ooh! Remember brotherr? On LBP2? xDD We went crazy over the cake! >^<

Uwaah. ; O ; I-I can bake you a big cookie brother! *o* If I baked a cake once, then I can make a big cookie! :'o/smacked

Nuu I didn't knoww. >//)^//<
Ooh I see. ; o < Then if it's fun, I'm playing it! Rigghtt after Final Fantasy. *~* xD

~Yoite~ said...

CAKE! I WANT CAKE!!! *swims in cake blissfully* ^////^


Riiiiiight XD
There is Alice's game too. But that one didn't seem to be liked as much as the other games, so that is at your discretion XD

Z e k i . said...

Caake! *Q* *noms on*

Mhm! HECK YEAAH. *bakess* Hooray! You just go play video games brother and I'll bake the cookies and cake! *o*

xD Nono! Ish TRUE.
And I actually was playing Persona 3 FES yesterday! I loved itt. xDD *O*
And then I found this! xD

~Yoite~ said...

Okay!! ^w^ *sits happily playing Journey and torturing n00bs*

HAHAHAHAHAHHAA That video is bloody funny. What a good way to spoil yourself though, sis ^w^
Might as well not play it at all XDDDDD

Oh and I LUUUUUUUV the beginning video "Remember your all going to die!" ....... AWESOME!

Z e k i . said...

Ah yaay! Brother I'm finished with baking the cookies and cake! *u*
There's strawberries on the cake too! *slices a piece and puts it on a plate* *hurries over to you* Here you go brother! >u< <3

I knoww! It was super funnyy. xDD :'D
*nodnod* Yesh! *u*
But I wanna play it all! *o* xD

xDD *nodnod* And they're all like:
o ~ o;;;.......

~Yoite~ said...

*throws control to the back* CAKE!!! *takes fork from out of nowhere and takes a bite* ^w^ Mmm! Delicious ^///^ *eats more*

Believe me. It will be even more funny when you play it all, and watch that scene happening in the game XD
(specially about the cushy part)

Game: Memento Mori
Me: *drools* 0_____0 Oh I love this game already...

Z e k i . said...

Yaayy! I'm glad you like the cake brotherr. >u<! *noms on some cake myself* *q* <3

Ooh wow. xDD I'm sure it will be! But I haven't gotten to that part yet. *o*;

Momento Mori? *u* A new gamee? *searches for some trailer*/smacked

And sowwy for the late reply brother! My hippie English teacher has been giving us a bunch of projects and homework. ; ^ ;

BUT..My birthday's toddaaay~! *O* *jumps on the couch* YAAY!

~Yoite~ said...

Nuuuu! Memento Mori is the latin saying they say in the intro song XD "remember that you will die"

Meanie teacher! *pouts*

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS! I will have something for you tomorrow. I pwomise ^w^ You will like it very much XD

Z e k i . said...

Oooh I see! WAH. Nuuu-;;CREEPY. ; O ;

Yeeah! ; ^ ; Meanie "hippie" teacher that is. *u*

And thank youu brotherr! <33 >u<
Uwahh nuu you don't have to! ;//)^//;
AH. x//^//x <3 Everyone is so sweet. A-And I'm sure I will! Thank youu brother. ; U ;

~Yoite~ said...

Hippie teacher heh? I can't imagine how that is XD

I am glad that you enjoyed your day yesterday. I might be appearing today in TinierMe if you want me to ^w^

Z e k i . said...

Well, she was! :o xD And it would be funny if she still is. She just acts like a hippie once a while. @ o@
Sometimes she goes, "Oh my Google! :o", which makes me laugh. xDD

And I did! >u< <3 Uwah brotherr, really? ; O ; <3 I'd love that! >u<
Just tell me at the time your coming on! >u< And I'll be in my room for sure then! Thankyouu. ; o ;<3

~Yoite~ said...

LOL "Google" huh? I would be funnier if she said Moogle XDDDDD

I will be going right now if you are there ^w^

Z e k i . said...

Mhm! xD And Mooglee! xDD Uwah that would be! Kupo kupo! *u*

And okaii brother! I-I'll be there right now! I also might not be able to stay on too long. ; O ; <3 But I'll still be there! *u*

~Yoite~ said...


It was fun sis! Happy to see you there XD