Saturday, December 17, 2011

In Memories We Stand, Chapter 5

Title: In Memories We Stand Chapter 5
By: Kira User
Rated: PG13
Summary: Miharu is set on making the most of their time together. 
Notes: Okay first and foremost, this is not a fic that will end all thoughtful or angst or anything. It is just meant to be a little cracky, and silly, despise how it starts at the beginning. Un-betaed, so all the mistakes are my own >~< Oh! Also this is based in the anime-world, so we kind of know where these two are at. 
More Notes: This is more for me than for you all, but this fanfic is definitely not going to pass 10 chapters. I like long stories, especially if they are good and all. But I am not a good writer, and definitely this story is not worth going over 10 chapters XD. Just so you know...
Warning: Intersexual in drag.... But is that considered a warning? Is not like cross-dressing to be honest XD Let us all remember just how... unique Miharu's fashion sense is heh? So this is also a warning too...

You can find Chapter 1 here...


"Oi! What do we have here...?"

Nobody bothered answering his question seeing that it was not really meant to be answered in the first place. The classmates from Miharu's class backed down a couple of steps, as in fear of the high-schoolers stepping on them accidentally. In that regard, Yoite was more afraid of Miharu being stepped on, with how he placed himself between Yoite and the two newcomers. 

Not that it really did much. The two of them still had a clear view of the group above Miharu's head. 

"I don't think we have seen you before around here. Are you from this school?"

Miharu, never been bothered about his height before, was completely put out at how they seem to be ignoring his existence. He kind of wished he had at least bothered to drink more milk, instead of the juice he used to have as his lunch meal. Not letting his frustrations show on his face, he forced a smile. "Is not, and, if you would excuse us, we will continue on so our presence won't bother you anymore."

The bleach blond guy looked down at Miharu as if he was a bug he stepped on. "Bothered? I never said I was bothered. In fact-" Making an oblivious head gesture, he checked out Yoite's outfit from head to feet. "I am actually glad that we came to this lame festival."

"I know what you mean, Muramata-kun!" Said the other dark haired high schooler, "Is not everyday that you get to see real beauty roaming around."

Feeling his chest about to burst from both embarrassment and anger, Yoite silently pulled Miharu to the opposite direction. He wanted to get far away from them as quickly as possible, before he did something that was against Nabari's rules, and would make Miharu upset for wasting his life energy. The young shinobi was more than happy to follow him, not wanting to completely ruin their visit to the festival. 

"Hey, hey! Where are you going?" Muramata guy placed himself in front of Yoite, blocking him from escaping. "It is bad manners to not introduce yourself when we meet new people, you know?"

"Move," was all the warning Yoite was going to give him.

Moving in, invading his personal space in a way that it was not welcome, he continued. "Why all this defensiveness? We are all good guys here." He raised his arm as if to put it around Yoite's shoulders, when suddenly it was pushed away by a slap from Miharu's hand.

"I would appreciate if you would not to touch Yoite." Miharu's face has never looked more serious to his classmates before. This Yoite must mean more to him than they thought. 

"You little punk!" Muramata seem really surprised that a mere stick figure would dare slap him, and tell him what to do. "Seems I will need to teach you who not to mess with." He smashed his fist against his hand, to show what kind of lesson he was talking about. His dark haired friend walked behind him, showing his support and anxiousness in being part of the fight too. 

Kouichi and Raimei walked to Miharu without a word, and looked at both high schoolers with stern expressions. Kouichi, trying to avoid a fight, said. "I think you should leave."

Both of them snorted, not even a little bit afraid of the threat. "Oh really? Says who, you?"

Suddenly a deeper voice was heard on top of their conversation. "I think Mr. Aizawa has a good point, gentlemen." Kumohira sensei walked towards them, forcing himself in between the high schoolers and the rest of the group. "No violence is allowed, and, if you will not stop, I will have you accused of misconduct to the school."

"You are not in our school!" Accused the dark haired, not believing the teacher one bit.

"Both Mr. Muramata Satoru and Mr. Kamatani Yuki attend Banten High School, class 3D. Your teacher is Mr. Yumiko, and I even have his phone number right here. Do I need to continue?"

"Tch." Muramata grunted, knowing they were defeated. Not wanting to get into unnecessary trouble, they both walked away without a word or backward glance. Yoite felt he could finally breathe at ease. 

As if unfazed by everything, Miharu turned to Thobari. "So, you do have your uses, Kumohira-sensei." Yoite knew, despise the harsh honest words, that it was Miharu's way of saying thank you.

Losing all his cool composure, he looked at Miharu, upset. "Oi! What do you mean? I am a teacher, of course I look out for my students! Oi, where are you going? Rokujo!"

Not interested at all at what else his sensei had to say, Miharu and Yoite were already walking towards the food stands. 

"You might not be able to taste anymore, Yoite. But I still think you will enjoy the food."

He turned to Miharu, feeling a smile appearing on his face. "Yeah, I will." And for that one moment, as their eyes connected, Yoite felt alive, warmth and happy.

To be continued...

Yes, there is still more to go after this. I will probably won't be able to update until next year because I have a thousand of things to do and such. Sorry! But hopefully this chapter will make it be worthwhile the wait.

Happy Holidays!

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