Sunday, October 11, 2009

War Against Style

Because Halloween is coming up, I decided that my hair needs a little bit of trimming. I decided this weekend to go and re-arrange the hair from my back, so it looks perfect again to Yoite.

Let me tell you from now that I was not looking forward to it.

You might know from past post that I have always a misfortune coming up whenever I go to get my hair cut. They do it wrong, or they are always trying to do what they like, or something else. I was wondering what would happen this time. I actually had very explicit instructions of how I wanted them to cut my hair, so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings.

Seems I was not expecting the hairstylist to actually disagree to my instructions.

It started well enough... I guess. The woman saw me (and the weird hairstyle), and asked,

Woman: When was the last time you cut it?

Me: (Does it really matter?) Two months ago.

Woman: Where?

Me: (I guess she believes I cut it myself or something) Here actually.

Woman: Really? (No, I just said for the heck of it) Who?

Me: (Again, does it really matter?) The woman behind you.

No comments after that.

It kinda went smoothly from there. I told her that I wanted her to cut my hair back again to my hairline, and having "stacky" as they say it. She did it without comment, and it was going great. When she finished that's when the problems started.

It went something like this.

Woman: What about the hair of the front?

Me: I don't want anything done to it.

Woman: Don't you want me to cut them a little bit, so it continues to the back?

Me: (Here we go again...) No.

Woman: Are you sure?

Me: (Oh my god woman) No, thank you.

Woman: Because it looks ... (Bad I guess she wanted to say). That is not how is done.

Me: No, I am okay.

Woman: Look see? The back goes likes this to the front. If we take a little bit from here, it would look complete.

Me: (So you want a challenge heh?) Actually, now that I see it. I want to cut it even shorter behind the ears.

Woman: What?

Me: Yes. The hair behinds the ears cut it even shorter so it looks completely separated from the front.

Woman: Are you sure? It would look... (Horrible I filled it).

Me: Pretty sure.

Woman: Okaaaay...

This is actually a very short version of the conversation. The real one went for much, much, MUCH longer than this. But I don't want to bore you with repetitions. Some people just don't want to do as you say.

Oh, let me point out that by then she was making a face like she couldn't believe what she was doing to my hair. I was like "My god woman, can't you at least blank your expression for a second?"

When she finished she said,

Woman: Okay. It's done.

Me: Thank you. It's perfect.

Woman: So, that is okay? That's how you want it?

Me: Yes.

Woman: If you say so...

It has become very tiring fighting against the hairstylist. I know that they know what's best? I mean, they studied this and everything. But as they say, "the client is always right." As a graphic designer I also know that even if you know what the client wants is wrong, you HAVE to do it as the client wants it. Or else you are risking loosing the client.

I really need someone who cuts hair without questions T^T. It just makes me dread going to cut my hair now. Is like I am fighting a war against fashion or common trend or something.

That's all for today! I just wanted to share my tidbit of experience with you all.

See you next time!


heijihatsutori said...

Wow~ that woman is sooo gonna die if the client is me...thank God so far the hairdresser I'm going to is a simple one to boot...

Me: Make it short.

Woman: Ok.

And she cut it soooo short my father's face goes like OMG-my-daughter-is-now-a-son kind of feeling...haha!

~Yoite~ said...

Ah! You just reminded me of another reason why they don't like me with that. I also one day planned to cut my hair reaaally short. This is how it went.

Man: So, how do you want it?

Me: Short.

Man: Pixy like?

Me: Er... Sure? Boyish style?

Man: Alright! *cuts cuts cuts* Okay I'm done.

Me: Can I keep the hair?

Man: What?! What for?

Me: Witchcraft.

The poor sucker actually believed me...

heijihatsutori said...

Hahaha!!! So you DID took the hair, then??

~Yoite~ said...

Yup, for an art project. But the guy had a face XD, and he even gave me a discount. I was like "oh nice! I'll be back! muwhahahahahaha..."

heijihatsutori said...

Great! You found yourself a GREAT BUT POOR hairdresser...hahaha!! ^^

~Yoite~ said...

Yeah! I also know they will remember me and FEAR...

Maybe I should try it again next time I go for my haircut XD

heijihatsutori said...

Haha! You REALLY should do it again...^^

~Yoite~ said...

Hahahahaha... But not right now. I am just resting from the one XD *phew*

heijihatsutori said...

Well...there's always next time...^^